Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?
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Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?  

Thad L
New Member
Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

I do not have a Prusa printer, but I will likely buy one.  I'm considering the i3 MK3S+

I want to be able to walk up to a Prusa printer, plug in the USB.  Transfer the sliced file.  Unplug the USB cable an walk away while the printer makes a part.  Can I do that with a Prusa printer?

Let me divert any side suggestions.  I want to buy this for work at an ITAR facility.  USB jump drives and SD card readers are not an option.  I know that Octoprint can allow a dedicated computer to run the 3D printer, but (1) my software skills stink and (2) its hard to justify a dedicated computer.  Any other transfer methods that I didn't mention are welcome.  I don't know what I don't know.

Thanks in advance !!!


Respondido : 10/03/2022 2:42 am
Estimable Member
RE: Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

You don't need a dedicated computer for Octoprint - at least not an expensive one.  Raspberry Pi Zero works:

Then you just upload from any computer on the network via wifi (assuming the ITAR facility allows wifi).  

In short, I think the answer is no without either a SDCARD or RPi.  There isn't enough local memory on the controller to store a large gcode file.

Respondido : 10/03/2022 3:35 am
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

Using a USB-cable I would recommend a raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (about 18 to 20 €) in combination with OctoPrint. If you want to keep it simple use a USB-Stick (on the MINI) or a SD-Card (on i3 MKx) to store the GCode-file for the ongoing print. I would not recommend WIN-computers as you can run in troubles because auf energy-saving-options.

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Respondido : 10/03/2022 10:21 am
Chris Laudermilk
Estimable Member
RE: Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

I would also suggest a Raspberry Pi running Octoprint. Using the OctoPi image and the excellent instructions available it's dead easy to set up. Then you don't even need to go to the printer to start it, just drop files via the web page from any PC on the network.

Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)

Respondido : 10/03/2022 4:35 pm
Thad L
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

Thanks for the responses so far. I also forgot to mention that a Raspberry Pi is not an option for another reason. They run off SD cards. I’m looking for a solution free of SD cards and USB jump drives. 

I saw a setup of a Prusa Mini and noticed that they come with a network connection. Is it possible to run a Mini through the network ?  Or is it just like running through USB where sleep mode will likely stop the print. 

Respondido : 10/03/2022 5:02 pm
Illustrious Member

Tough.  You absolutely need local storage or a local, dedicated, single task computer which is effectively the same thing.  By single task I mean no desktop, minimal interrupts and definitely no timeouts or sleep states.


Respondido : 10/03/2022 5:36 pm
Honorable Member

Is it possible to run a Mini through the network ?

No, it's not possible. It's just a dream.

Nejsem zaměstnancem Prusa Research.

Respondido : 10/03/2022 5:40 pm
New Member
RE: Can I "print" to a Prusa with a USB cable?

Several months late, but you can use Pronterface. It comes preinstalled with Prusa Slicer and will do exactly what you need. My SD card got corrupted so I'm using that right now to print.

Here's a link to the article from Prusa about it:

Respondido : 08/08/2022 3:06 am