[bug report] Broken email links when earning badges
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[bug report] Broken email links when earning badges  

Emily Christ
New Member
[bug report] Broken email links when earning badges

Hello! Apologies if this isn't the right place for bug reports, or if this has already been reported -- I couldn't find a bugtracker for the Printables website, and I tried searching the forums for several variations of "broken link", "wrong email link", etc.

When you receive an email notifying you that you've earned a new badge, there's a link to view that badge:

However, the link in the email is broken and takes you to the "MK404" error page.

Here's the link that the email gives me, with the correct link below it:


Hopefully this makes its way to someone who can fix the email templates!

Best Answer by Ondřej Stříteský:

Thank you for reporting Emily. It is a bug. Will be fixed soon.
Best regards

Posted : 04/11/2022 5:12 pm
Reputable Member

I have the exact same problem.

But if all goes well you will also find the following text in that message,

This badge has a printable model!

Prusa Research team

If you click on that, the badge will be downloaded to your computer.

Happy printing.

Posted : 06/11/2022 10:15 am
Ondřej Stříteský
Member Moderator
RE: [bug report] Broken email links when earning badges

Thank you for reporting Emily. It is a bug. Will be fixed soon.
Best regards

Posted : 07/11/2022 1:14 pm
Reputable Member
RE: [bug report] Broken email links when earning badges

We are now five months later and the problem is still there.

Received an email notifying me that I had earned another badge.

But of all the badges I would have earned, I've only been able to download two of them so far.

It's always nice when you get something, but frustrating when there isn't a working link in that message!

It would be resolved soon, when can I access my badges?

Posted : 17/12/2022 1:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: [bug report] Broken email links when earning badges

Sorry not five but one month. 🙂

Posted : 17/12/2022 2:02 pm