“Better” than Prusament and for less?
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“Better” than Prusament and for less?  

Trusted Member
“Better” than Prusament and for less?

So when ordering the Prusament, I saw that I had to wait for some days. I operate a print farm and I had a shortage of filament for a week.

I dug around on Amazon and found this “Sunlu” brand filament. Ordered it and received it on the same day. If only Prusa can do that...

Anyways the Sunlu filament printed like Prusament, and it was only 20GBP while the Prusament was about 25GBP, not including shipping(takes lots of time). The Sunlu also can come with a master spool and coil. Prusa can use this as well and also speed up the production by a lot.

Does anyone also use this filament, and could you tell me your experiences with it as I feel that it’s quality is good, but some say that it’s more hit and miss. I never had a bad spool from them so far, but did anyone get a bad spool? Have you got any tips for generic filament? Let me know!

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 5 years von CovertPluto3502
Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 5:48 am
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?

I have to agree.  I have had great results with Sunlu.  I especially like their red silk pla.  I found their masterspool system and was impressed that comes with a spool.  The PLA Masterspool is not as great of a deal at $45, but the PETG is a fantastic deal at $43.   The PETG Mastspool system comes Red and Black, Black and White, and Black and Blue.  I have seen some complaints, btu I have none.  Near perfect results. 

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 9:14 am
CovertPluto3502 gefällt das
Prominent Member
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?

Maybe if ypu are US customer, but for me in Europe Sunlu has no better prices even from their EU warehouse. Maybe for filament on sale, but then I have also other quality options made more or less locally (PM, Filamentum, Das, 3D Jake). Amazon also does not have such power here to spoil us with same-day deliveries, we don't have other option but be more chill and patient 😂

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 11:49 am
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?


Good point.  No one filament is affordable from the same source worldwide.  Prusa is close. 

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 12:25 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?

I am in the UK, and my relatives in the US get the fast delivery as well. The filament is made in China, but wait... it’s perfect quality. Prusa should really use a factory and not their own warehouse.

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 2:51 pm
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?

I would love to see a US factory.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 2:52 pm
Prominent Member
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?
Posted by: @covertpluto

I am in the UK, and my relatives in the US get the fast delivery as well. The filament is made in China, but wait... it’s perfect quality. Prusa should really use a factory and not their own warehouse.

It is made in China, but they have warehouses in more places around the world, which is good. I am happy for you that you found good filament, I agree that availability of Prusament is sometimes not optimal. Prices for Sunlu show 24.99 - 33.99 Eur on their homepage for me, some are on sale down to 18.99 Eur, that's not all that different from other filament suppliers here. They claim free shipping though, which is nice.

How do you define a factory? One (or how many it is now) dedicated floor with 13 extrusion lines does sound like quite some manufacturing. They are biggest filament manufacturer right now with this amount. It's not like Prusament is their spare-time activity and those extrusion lines are tucked somewhere in the coridor between shelves of LDO motors and Haribo packs.

Regarding fast delivery ... I am in Czech Republic, and despite Amazon having EU distribution warehouse in this very country, it still takes few days to get goods. Amazon is not prominent here, and most purchases are from third parties from other countries anyway where their own delivery varies wildly. Amazon's local offer is kind of lacking to say it politely. Local/regional e-shops have it covered better. I do not know of anyone from around my circles who has Prime. It's just not worth it, certainly not for delivery, they don't even try to push it as aggressively as elsewhere on their webpage when you order goods.

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 5:54 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: “Better” than Prusament and for less?


It’s not a spare-time, but compared to other vendors I buy from, it seems that filament is Prusa’s second priority. Sunlu makes printers, but filament is first. It should depend on your region.

Veröffentlicht : 26/06/2020 9:26 pm