a weird inconsistent extrusion a couple weeks ago
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a weird inconsistent extrusion a couple weeks ago  

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a weird inconsistent extrusion a couple weeks ago

Starting having a weird inconsistent extrusion a couple weeks ago and can't get it figured out. I did multiple cold pulls and ever got a new nozzle. It started mid way through a print with filament that had been working. It does it with all my other filaments, it didn't at first with my petg but after a couple prints it started.

So far I've slowed the print speed down from 60 to 20 and now its at 40, no real change, increased the extruder flow, moved temps around. When I just straight extrude with the print the flow seems consistent but I don't know.

You guys helped me last time with my print and I was very thankful, please help a scrub like me again.

Napsal : 17/01/2019 4:36 am