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400 x 400 Prusa Printer?  

Strona 14 / 19
Estimable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


Thats, whats outside there, its the new 32 buddy board. it has gotten analysed by users in the prusa mini thread. The picture is from the Prusa Blog, i think. there seems be no conectivity for mmu2

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 8:08 am
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


I am pretty sure the team at the announcement said that the new 32-bit board for the Mini would not be used for the MK3S upgrade or the new XL.   They also said the mini would not support MMU.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 9:40 am
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: @pingu

It would surprise me, i guess. As you can see in the prusa mini discussion thread, we are shure the mmu2 will not work with the new 32 bit board. First and obvious problem is the missing conector port for the mmu...

I cant belive prusa is developening one dedicated board for each of their printers. I guess the new 32 buddy board is the new standart für prusa, and will be used on the new core xy aswell.

And lets be honest, the mmu is just a pain in the ass in so many ways. I dont think so it is seen as succsesor by prusa... best guess they try to let the mmu die, but cant do this due so many sold units. The conunity would be fucked up uf they drop mmu2 developement.

And still yesterday my mmu2 clone kit arrived. Gona gibe it a try anyway...

The new board will likely not be used for the new XXL.  I would guess based on the announcement that the XL with a different dedicated board.  The Buddy 32 bit board will not work with the MMU and there is no indication that Prusa is dropping the MMU.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 9:45 am
Eminent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


a MMU2 is a neat thing, I own one and love/hate it, but having a 2nd extruder just for, e.g, any soluble material would be much better in several cases, regarding printing time/wasted material and place. As written, an "optional" 2nd extruder as an upgrade would be fine, to keep the costs down.




Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 10:35 am
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

The weakness to a second extruded is that most that I have seen eat up space and you loose print volume.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 3:51 pm
Dan polubić
Eminent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


I agree but having 400x400x400 a second extruder optional would be awesome. 

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 4:29 pm
Noble Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

My hope for Prusa XL is a third party extruder (doesn't matter which design). I'm a little bit disappointed about their self-made for Prusa mini. Let's be honest, PR is not known for the great extruder head design. There are companies out there which are specialized and doing a better job in regards to that.


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Going small with MMU2
Real Multi Material
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Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 5:46 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


I am not sure they said it was internally made or design.  I could be wrong but that is not what I heard.  I suspect we will find out more.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 31/10/2019 10:33 pm
Prominent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Food for thought: JP said the new style of design of extruder on the mini would be used going forward.

Now, it is quite narrow  and the build plate will be narrower than the frame, so in theory it may be possible to have a wider X guide and fit two extruder heads on one set of X rods, belts could have a slot through one extruder head and clamp in the other and vice versa, drive systems would be an axle with a belt driven pulley and an idler pulley sharing the same shaft, one on the left and one on the right, with a motor on the left and motor on the right.

Could be made quite compact and one head stays up against the edge whilst the other prints, then for a filament swap, park the printing head and use the other one.


This would rely on a Bowden feed though and a lot more weight for the Y axis to move about.

Just an idea, who knows whether this could be realised by PRUSA.

This post was modified 5 years temu 2 times by Chocki

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 7:55 am
Prominent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Timed out edit!.

There would still be only one PINDA, but live-z values for left and right heads. If the Y axis weight to move about is not too much, I see no reason why something like this would not work.

Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 8:03 am
Eminent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


Sounds interesting and I think PR is able to design a proper extruder. They have upgraded their facilities and also their capabilities in machining. Something like the HERMÈS or the nimble would be cool or maybe a combination of both 🙂

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 10:01 am
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: @daniel-k7


Sounds interesting and I think PR is able to design a proper extruder. They have upgraded their facilities and also their capabilities in machining. Something like the HERMÈS or the nimble would be cool or maybe a combination of both 🙂

Hermes is interesting.  I really like the idea of this with a tool changer.  I know Prusa can't pull that off on the XL, but it would be nice to have them eventually.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 10:15 am
Eminent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


Yep I also queued up for the TC and bought the duet etc. already but I might wait for the XL because of all the hassle And price the TC will cause.


Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 10:32 am
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Received a few messages and I may have confused folks.  Although I have no inside knowledge, I do think Prusa will make a new printer with tool changer eventually (if it is successful), but I do Not think it will be the XL.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 12:29 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

also in one of the interviews JP did say that the plan is a family of controller boards with members for each type of printer, they sell enough printers that custom boards are viable

Opublikowany : 01/11/2019 6:29 pm
Prominent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

Uh oh, another review of big printer based on fancy hot CoreXY kinematics, and nobody exactly sings praise... Those printers, while praised for their sturdy frames (sans the bent one that Stefan received... ), have other glaring issues that gimp or downright prevent correct functionality.

Is it just the rush to market while this stuff is hot and before commercial juggernaut in its segment like Prusa (or somebody else) drops its piece? Or QC problem in general?

Opublikowany : 13/11/2019 1:31 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?

I will wait for Prusa.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 13/11/2019 2:07 pm
Eminent Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


So do I. I am done with cheap upgrade demanding Chinese machines 😂 also I upgraded the MK2 to now a MK3s mk2-x something with bondtech 

Opublikowany : 13/11/2019 3:12 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?
Posted by: @charles-h13

I will wait for Prusa.  

It's interesting to see this sort of "reverse disruption" happening. I've grown accustomed to seeing high quality products produced by companies that pay a good wage and provide quality support mercilessly cloned and undersold by cheap offshore knock-offs. It's really interesting to see an innovative, conscientious company manage to flip the tables, producing high quality products -- in Europe no  less -- that are price-competitive enough to get people to pay a bit more than the crappy low-cost stuff. In the last few months I've watched the recommendations in various Reddit groups switch from "buy an Ender, it's a fraction of the price of the Mk3" to "buy a Mini, it's only a bit more than the Ender and a lot less work." I'm sure the low-end products will continue to sell, but Prusa has lowered the price bar for quality. I'm really happy to see this happening.

It'll be interesting to see if the cloners manage to under-cut the Mini, and what Prusa does with larger formats. Prusa's definitely making the cloners work for it these days. I'm not after a large format printer ... well, I just need a big space for one ... but I'm on board with waiting to see what Prusa produces if I want one.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 13/11/2019 3:45 pm
RE: 400 x 400 Prusa Printer?


I agree.  

I will say that I am significantly impressed with one printer I own that is not a Prusa.  

The Anycubic Predator is reliable and prints good quality.  I only which it were a slight bit taller than the 455mm print height.   If Prusa could make a large Delta, I would buy it with the Core XY.   I have heard horror stories about Deltas, but this one is a good buy.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 13/11/2019 4:21 pm
Strona 14 / 19