Pan/tilt dual Raspberry GS (Global Shutter) camera holder and stand (for >300fps stereo video capturing)
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Pan/tilt dual Raspberry GS (Global Shutter) camera holder and stand (for >300fps stereo video capturing)  

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Pan/tilt dual Raspberry GS (Global Shutter) camera holder and stand (for >300fps stereo video capturing)

I started these models with 2yo MINI+ firmware and PrusaSclicer 2.6.0. The outer stand is printed in 4h29m with new firmware with Input shaper and now PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 (2.7.2 does not work on 64bit Raspberry PiOS due to missing OpenGL 3.2 requirement). I am really happy with the speed enhancements for 0.15mm STRUCTURAL compared to 0.15mm quality before (6h30m):

As small speed sample, "peek" screen recording of part of Octoprint control tab after starting 4h29m 3Dprint:

So what did I create the dual camera holder and stand for?
Raspberry GS camera is the only among the Raspberry cameras (v1/v2/HQ/v3/GS) that allows for high framerate (>300fps) video capturing with libcamera framework:

Raspberry Pi has two CSI connectors for cameras, and I updated GScrop tool to deal with two cameras.
Capturing two 688x136@402fps videos concurrently as shown below is easy on Pi5 with GScrop:

 The dual camera mount can be used tripod mounted as well, but I prefer to use the outer stand:

Backside view:

I created the models with OpenSCAD, exported to .stl, sliced with PrusaSlicer and 3Dprinted with OctoPrint.
Changing OpenSCAD model is easy in case you want to modify something.

I am new to stereo video capturing, but these 3Dprinted parts are a good basis for all experiments to come.

Respondido : 09/03/2024 10:22 am