Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2
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Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2  

Eminent Member
Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2

I have old SCT SRX-2 which is rear motor car and since all new 2WD cars are Mid Motor car I decided to make conversion for it.
First I made first parts whit PLA, but those was just mesurement parts and I did drive car with those. Second parts from ASA and those I broke
in warmup race. But the biggest problem with the ASA was that could not make threads with the screws on it. It just crumbled.
I made 2.8mm holes to model in Fusion 360 and I tried to made threads with m3 screw to those.

So next step was nylon pa12, taulman alloy 910 those too flexible, CarbonX (nice threads) and then many others.
So far my final filaments for conversion are
Ninjatek Armadillo for front bumber and chasis
Ninjaflex Semiflex for front bumber support.
CarbonX for chasis stiffeners and rear tower
Flexfill 98A rear bumber

I had to make aluminium stiffener bar, because chasis is made from two parts and otherwise, it will flex too much.

I just drive about 400 laps in track near by and did not brake anything 😯 .
So with this I start Winter Cup Season and race by race I change most of the parts to printed ones.
next steering rank then A-Arms and hubs and so on...
I have made tires (ninjaflex) also but those do not work on Finnish indoor tracks, mostly concrete floor.

Postato : 06/11/2017 1:28 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mid motor conversion for Serpent Syder SCT SRX-2

oh, that gear cover, is Pet-G. Something that rulebook says that you have to have in this class 😉

Postato : 06/11/2017 1:30 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2

VERY nice project! It's really inspiring to see you doing such a complex project, and succeeding!

Postato : 06/11/2017 3:21 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2

Thank you, it has been very fun project to do and test on the track

Few parts that I forgot from the list
Armadillo - side guards
CarbonX - rear hingepin brace

future plan is to do steering rank form CarbonX
and A-arms and hubs from armadillo... maybe...

Postato : 06/11/2017 8:13 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2

Latest version.
Rear suspension arms and hubs are also printed with ninjatek armadillo.
I print arms hingepin holes vertical, too little support and too much cooling fan, but I fixed those with hot knife. Not nice but works for testing.
Front bulkhead and tower is also new desingn. Green parts are pet-g with carbon fiber, because I tought that it would flex less that nylon/carbon but it flex little bit more.
New color, so I can see small screws better.
Artist who painted my car body, is my four years old daughter.

Postato : 29/11/2017 6:45 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mid motor conversion for Serpent Spyder SCT SRX-2

Some test report from the first version.
First of all I had couple very bad crashes in the track and only thing what broken was front bumper.
It is made from Armadillo so it is very easy to weld back to one piece with small USB powered hot knife.
That was good news because earlier I had factory bumper and it was too stiff, so it just moved force from
hit to steering and brake that.
There was small jams in steering and thats why I made new front bulkhead. So now there is more room.
Also there was little bit lack of traction in rear, so I moved shocks from the front of the rear suspension arm
to back. and also made some mounting place for extra weight to rear if needed in future.
Overall results I was 12th, which is OK result , with my hands 😀

Front suspension arms with c-hubs an so on
Gear box
Body posts

Postato : 29/11/2017 11:40 am