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Galileo Shuttlecraft  

Trusted Member
Galileo Shuttlecraft

I've had an STL of the Galileo Shuttle for years but it came from a model that wasn't made well for 3D printing, so big sections of the thing would go away if I tried splitting it up.  This week I tried again and found it would work if I turned it on end and split it.

So 2 long prints of 11 hours and 19 hours got me a pretty good version of the shuttle, around 9.5 inches long.

Front half was the 19 hour print:

The 2 halves after removing supports:

After gluing, lots of putty and sanding, and painting, and decals, it came out pretty good:


Veröffentlicht : 17/05/2020 1:00 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Galileo Shuttlecraft

Decided to spend a little more time on this thing and finish the back:

I forgot to mention the print details:  Printed with Inland white PLA, 0.1 mm detail, 5% infill.

Veröffentlicht : 19/05/2020 6:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Galileo Shuttlecraft

Nice work, well done!

just out of curiosity, have you used actual decals? (Or is it painted)

Veröffentlicht : 24/05/2020 3:59 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Galileo Shuttlecraft



They are water slide decals, brand I used is Sunnyscopa clear laser decal sheets.   I gave up on inkjets last year and got a color laser printer, it's been so much nicer to just hit print and not wonder if the ink has dried out...  Also inkjet decals need to be sprayed with lacquer and dried for days before you can use them or the ink will run when you soak the decal in water.  But I digress, yes, real decals.  The image with all of them I found on the web didn't have an extra one for the back, and I didn't want to use an entire sheet for one number, so that one is just plain paper glued on.

Veröffentlicht : 24/05/2020 5:39 am
tmicke gefällt das
Trusted Member
RE: Galileo Shuttlecraft


Interesting, I did not know that you could print your own decals on your printer at home. Even though it probably won’t be called the same here, what are those “papers” called that you can use for that?

Veröffentlicht : 24/05/2020 7:54 am
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Galileo Shuttlecraft

Just search for "decal paper" and you'll find lots of them.

Remember to get the correct type for your type of printer, using an inkjet paper in a laser printer will ruin the printer, and using laser paper on an inkjet the ink won't stick properly. 

Also if you have an inkjet you have to buy some kind of sealer to spray on the paper after you print, I don't think there are any inkjet inks that are safe to dip into water.  One spray can of clear lacquer will last a very long time, you only need to spray a couple very light coats of it on the ink.

There is one thing you can't print and that is white, printers rely on the white of the paper, so for clear decals you can't create white color on the decal.  You can buy white decal sheets and print images on them, but those don't work if you want to do something like create white letters on a colored surface (unless you want to cut out each letter).  There is a company that makes white toner for laser printers, but it's crazy expensive.

Veröffentlicht : 24/05/2020 2:35 pm