Amazing use of 3D printed PLA parts (not mine)
I happened to come across this video. This guy uses PLA printed parts for enhancements to his wheelchair.
I was surprised he's using PLA, but you can't argue with success.
He's not looking to sell anything and has open sourced everything. Next time you run into somebody demanding credit or compensation for sharing, remember this guy!
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
I was surprised he's using PLA, but you can't argue with success.
PLA is one of the most strong plastics you can print with 😉
It just has bad reputation...
RE: Amazing use of 3D printed PLA parts (not mine)
I was surprised he's using PLA, but you can't argue with success.
PLA is one of the most strong plastics you can print with 😉
It just has bad reputation...
Yes, it comes as a surprise when you realise that the published "strength" values for PLA aren't misprints. I don't use it cause of it's poor temperature range and I suspect I'm a bit of a 3d print snob.
Awesome and interesting article. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.
RE: Amazing use of 3D printed PLA parts (not mine)
Why not PLA? Seriously?
RE: Amazing use of 3D printed PLA parts (not mine)
It's just amazing, just think, 30 years ago we couldn't have dreamed about it.
RE: Amazing use of 3D printed PLA parts (not mine)
Why not PLA? Seriously?
If you look at the product descriptions from the various filament manufacturers, they put a lot of emphasis on "engineering grade" and "tough" filaments. PLA is generally dismissed as stuff for creative prints. I am surprised that PLA holds up to the heat and friction, but as long as it doesn't shatter, PLA has been plenty strong for many of my uses. It was really interested seeing this guy not only say it's fine, but betting his face, knees, and elbows on it.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan