DesignSpark Mechanical models fail to import or have errors or will not print using PrusaSlicer
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DesignSpark Mechanical models fail to import or have errors or will not print using PrusaSlicer  

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DesignSpark Mechanical models fail to import or have errors or will not print using PrusaSlicer

For anyone using DSM that is having problems...

I have noticed many of the models I draw in DSM either have errors when they import, or they fail to import, or they fail to print altogether.  Some models will import, but when they print, any "holes" that were pulled through the solid walls or whatever, do not happen, the object still remains as a solid without the hole.

In DSM when I draw something, it starts as a sketch.  Once I have an outline drawn, I can "PULL" (EXTRUDE) that flat object to a solid.  DSM creates a SURFACE as soon as I click on PULL.  When I click the PULL icon, DSM switches to 3D mode and whatever lines I drew in SKETCH mode becomes a SURFACE.  I can then click somewhere on that surface and the PULL tool lets me pull that surface so it becomes thicker than "null" and it then changes to a SOLID.

I am not sure how this happens, but sometimes when using DSM, the final object ends up with both SOLID's and SURFACE's. in the structure tree.  This is probably something I am doing wrong when I create the drawing.  It happens.

I believe these null SURFACES are giving PrusaSlicer problems.

I have found that I can reopen the object in DSM and expand the STRUCTURE tree (in the left panel)...
I then click on each SURFACE found in the list and delete each surface, ONE AT A TIME, while watching the effect that has on my solid. 

If something goes wrong, I just undo the last step (the delete step).  If nothing bad happens, I move on and delete the next surface.

Normally, I leave all my construction lines, regular lines, curves, and other objects IN my .rsdoc file, but I turn OFF the visible check box.

I am not sure if these invisible objects export to the .SLT.   I suspect not.  If not, they might also give the PrusaSlicer trouble.

I just thought I would pass this along to the Prusa Community in case anyone else is having trouble with DSM. 


Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 5 years von robert.l59
Veröffentlicht : 10/04/2020 3:55 pm
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