Blender new install. Missing buttons with xs replacing them
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Blender new install. Missing buttons with xs replacing them  

Trusted Member
Blender new install. Missing buttons with xs replacing them

Hi folks,

I have installed Blender 2.90.1, and it looks good - with one exception.

The are that sits to the right of the viewport shading area is filled with a double row of Xs.

I have no idea how to get rid of them, or convert them into whatever they were intended to be. Maybe they're not supposed even to be there - I don't know enough about blender. From the right to the left there are 5 double rows of Xs, then a space, then four, then an X with a blue - above it, and if I hover over the blue "-" it says, "QCD slot 1. LMB Isolate slot (etc). I have never seen this before, and if anyone knows how to remove them I'd be grateful

Thanks in advance,



Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von 01Pad
Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2020 7:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Blender new install. Missing buttons with xs replacing them

Nope not familiar with that either, it’s not in my install. Might be best to ask over on the blender forums. If you find out let’s me know.  Just in case 😊. 

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2020 7:49 pm