Strong strings in printed shields
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Strong strings in printed shields  

Active Member
Strong strings in printed shields


I have problem with my Original Prusa i3 MK3S - I am printing this Prusa covid shields  (4pcs) from PETG and in printing it makes somewhere strong strings. Sometimes it makes strings only on one shield and sometimes on 3 shields. 

I tested this gcode several times on my printer and on other same Prusa i3 MK3S printer (filament from same manufacturer, same gcode), it makes this strong strings only on my printer.

It seems like that the printer doesn't follow shape of shield. It affect that outer band which is away from the wearer's skin and it doesn't look good.

Can somebody know, how can i fix it?

Thanks for help

Postato : 09/04/2020 4:40 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields

Two things I would do to correct this.... 

1. Increase nozzle temperature 5C hotter to improve layer to layer adhesion.

2. Dry the filament roll 

Postato : 09/04/2020 4:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields

Agree with @guy-k2. Someone posted a similar question recently. I've got more notes in that thread.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 09/04/2020 5:17 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strong strings in printed shields



Thank you. I try increase nozzle temperature to 270°C

Postato : 10/04/2020 8:16 pm
New Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields


Please let us know if increasing the print temperature works. And how do you do that when the gcode is already built? Modify the gcode directly? 

Postato : 11/04/2020 12:05 am
Dave J
Trusted Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields


You can edit the gcode file using a text editor, not for the faint hearted. If you get it wrong or corrupt the gcode file, you could damage stuff.

The line of code you are looking for is

M104 S???

where ??? is the required extruder temperature in degrees centigrade.

You also need to check for,

M109 S???

and set the same temperature value, this commands causes the printer to wait for the extruder to reach the required temperature.

Hope this helps.

Cheers,Dave Jackson"Enthralled Nooby (not so much maybe, ~58 years old)... If 3d printers had been around 40 years ago... "

Postato : 11/04/2020 10:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strong strings in printed shields



It's very simple:

1. Run gcode on 3D printer

2. Press button

3. Press 2nd option - something like tune (in Czech lang "Ladit")

4. Look for option "nozzle temp" or "temperature"

5. Press button and set new temperature

Postato : 12/04/2020 12:28 pm
New Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields


Perfect thank you!

Postato : 12/04/2020 1:26 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields

BTW, do the manual temperature change AFTER layer 2.

Postato : 12/04/2020 2:07 pm
Active Member
RE: Strong strings in printed shields

I had this, it's a perimeter speed issue. I slowed down the "Perimeters", "Small Perimeters" and "External Perimeters" all down to 60mm/s and it fixed the issue! It will increase print time of 8 bands (2 stacks of 4) with 8 chin reinforcements to 16h.

Download the "covid19_rc32_8pcs_complete_fixed.3mf" file from here....

Open the file in PrusaSlicer (I am using the latest 2.2.0), go to "Print Settings" tab, select "Speed" from the menu on the left. Adjust the settings above as described and then generate your new gcode.

Should work just fine after that.

Questo post è stato modificato 5 years fa 2 tempo da Mario87
Postato : 12/04/2020 3:21 pm