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Manufacturing: Holding the elastic headband for making the holes and cutting
This device enables one to hold the elastic for the headband with one hand; freeing the other hand to make holes in it and cut it to the required length.
The roll of elasticated material passes through the device and is held by two grippers.
I use a soldering iron to make the (elongated ) holes and to seal the ends of the material to prevent fraying.
Opublikowany : 28/04/2020 7:05 am
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RE: Manufacturing: Holding the elastic headband for making the holes and cutting
Picture of the device
Opublikowany : 28/04/2020 7:07 am
RE: Manufacturing: Holding the elastic headband for making the holes and cutting
Wouldn't it be easier just to use elastic band with holes made from the manufacturer? Then it would only be a matter of cutting to length.
Something like this
There are many vendors. Here in Germany the cheapest option was on ebay
Opublikowany : 28/04/2020 7:42 am