How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
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How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?  

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How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I use to play golf and was preparing for a national tournament and from nowhere covid-19 comes and disturbs the schedule, I had spent months learning cool tips of golf but now I am starting from zero. What about you guys?

Veröffentlicht : 12/07/2021 6:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

All the obvious negatives aside, it finally got my employer and our customers to take a long hard look at just how necessary a lot of business travel is. We switched to an all-remote model and it has worked out rather well. I'm able to work on multiple projects concurrently without losing a day to travel at each end of a trip. I've gone from 50% travel to 100% remote work the last year. I expect to travel again, but not at the same intensity. I suspect a lot of employers (and employees) are rethinking "business as usual". Doing Christmas via Zoom was different but we actually had a good time.

As far as personal disruptions, it hasn't been so bad since the initial few months of uncertainty. We've been careful, got vaccinated when it was possible, and our area is now enjoying low infection rates and the ability to revert to a "mostly normal" state. It threw vacations and family travel off, of course, but everyone was in a good place. I know it was very hard on a lot of other folks.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 12/07/2021 7:27 pm
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Well, during the height of the pandemic I did a lot of 3d printing, mostly for the model railroad which I worked on quite a bit.

I'm retired so I did not have to do any remote working.

Veröffentlicht : 12/07/2021 10:01 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Since I would have to start from zero in golf, I have decided to dedicate myself to the topic of firmware programming. Due to Covid-19 and my advanced age I am part-time employed and now have more time for this and other things. It's not that simple, but it keeps the gray cells fresh 👍 

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Veröffentlicht : 13/07/2021 5:51 pm
Reputable Member
Please, pretty please get rid of this!!!!!

I have saved a LOT of money!

Another thing is that I usually get 1-2 common colds a year, but not even simple sniffles for over a year and a half!

I did gain a lot of weight in 2020 but I got serious about losing it around the first of the year and most of it is gone and staying off! Keeping fingers crossed on that one. 

Veröffentlicht : 18/07/2021 5:06 pm
Noble Member
cost savings

Been working from home since Feb 2020 lol.  Save a ton of money in gas and tolls.   Will be hard to ever go back to an office proper.

Veröffentlicht : 20/07/2021 12:11 pm
New Member
Hoping this has an end

Done a lot of printing during quarantine, but for now - nothing has changed, but it changed me. So I believe that I just got used to everything. 

If you can`t change the situation - change your reaction.

Veröffentlicht : 08/08/2021 12:20 pm
New Member
Covid-19 changed my habits

It is 2021 and still the risk of covid-19 is there. Life has changed so much since 2020. I have been working from home and writing papers for the overseas students. To my surprise, I have received ample essay requests and all related to covid-19. At one point, it really frustrated me as I was writing about the same topic almost everyday. I live alone and honestly, I used to feel horrible knowing of what's happening across the world. Anxiety and concern for my family in my hometown filled my heart and I was unable to concentrate on my work. But I must say that I managed to gather my courage and did all my daily activities with confidence. I became much more independent and the shift from luxurious and comfortable products to essential products has literally made me value the latter. Now, I use things wisely and carefully, causing minimal wastes. I only buy things that are absolutely necessary so as to save money and help my family out there. I feel its a good change in me.

Academic Research Consultant and Proofreader at Essay Writer for me

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2021 5:34 pm

I am a physician and COVID has basically derailed my life and I am on a new track.  I do not think we are ever going back to "normal".  We will have a new normal.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 28/08/2021 6:05 pm
New Member
Changed my life

Lost my job due to Covid and was depressed about it. Thinking to start of a blog to overcome my depression.

Veröffentlicht : 02/09/2021 6:02 am

That would be a productive use of the time.  

Posted by: @vicktorl

Lost my job due to Covid and was depressed about it. Thinking to start of a blog to overcome my depression.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 02/09/2021 9:21 am
VicktorL gefällt das
Milos V.
Prominent Member

From the work point of view, I can say I am similar to bobstro. Moved more home from the office, not so much business trips. But it is also getting me a bit bored. Nobody to talk to, to drink a coffee with.

Personally, my family love travelling, not much all arround the world, but short trips arround the country mostly. This was affected significantly. And we have not been abroad (mean Europe) for almost two years. Also eduction of my children was a dissaster. The elementary schools in 2020 and 2021 were opened sofar in total only 5 months. That is sooo huge failure of our government, I will never forget. Those people should be prosecuted for treason. 

Currently, the whole family is facinated. For me Covid ended with this step. I refuse to follow any restrictions anymore. Fortunatelly almost nobody in the country does. I would say pesonal live is currently it the old normal. I do not accept a new normal because of a diseasse. There will be new diseasses, even a grip will be back this year. I will not spend the rest of my life distancing people and covering mouth not to get infected by something. It is on everybody to decide. Everybody can wear a respirator if he wants. OK, maybe mask in public transporation still makes some sence now. That I can agree with.

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 8:56 am
distancing and illness


Posted by: @milos-v

From the work point of view, I can say I am similar to bobstro. Moved more home from the office, not so much business trips. But it is also getting me a bit bored. Nobody to talk to, to drink a coffee with.

Personally, my family love travelling, not much all arround the world, but short trips arround the country mostly. This was affected significantly. And we have not been abroad (mean Europe) for almost two years. Also eduction of my children was a dissaster. The elementary schools in 2020 and 2021 were opened sofar in total only 5 months. That is sooo huge failure of our government, I will never forget. Those people should be prosecuted for treason. 

Currently, the whole family is facinated. For me Covid ended with this step. I refuse to follow any restrictions anymore. Fortunatelly almost nobody in the country does. I would say pesonal live is currently it the old normal. I do not accept a new normal because of a diseasse. There will be new diseasses, even a grip will be back this year. I will not spend the rest of my life distancing people and covering mouth not to get infected by something. It is on everybody to decide. Everybody can wear a respirator if he wants. OK, maybe mask in public transporation still makes some sence now. That I can agree with.

I personally prefer social distancing so place take a few steps back from me and stay home if you are sick.  That is irresponsible.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 9:16 am
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: when the scifi movies come to the real world...

But I am not sick! And be fine, covid definitely does not travel tousands of kilometers, so I am definitelly not the one you should be afraid of. Do you think that from now nobody can come closer to anybody, that everybody should leave his home only to buy food? This is the world you preffer? If you immunity system is not regularly trained and that means getting in contact with viruses and bacterias, it will just not know how to defend yourself. So finally if you will isolate your self, you can get sick and die on very common disease. I am not taklking about spreding the virus to the other people, if you are sick. But staying home? You must be kidding...

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 9:22 am
SebomasteR gefällt das
Afraid not

I am not afraid of you although I do prefer a little distancing.  I am protecting you.  I work on a COVID ward.  I treat these people every day.  If anything, I am likely to infect you.  

Please do not preach to me about immunity and training your immunity.  I am an expert in COVID.  I treat these people every day.  In 30 days, I have seen a number of people that were "immune due to prior infection".  They were training their immune systems.  Several were under 45 and had no comorbidities.  

Just because someone asks you to scoot back, don't assume they are afraid of you.  

Posted by: @milos-v

But I am not sick! And be fine, covid definitely does not travel tousands of kilometers, so I am definitelly not the one you should be afraid of. Do you think that from now nobody can come closer to anybody, that everybody should leave his home only to buy food? This is the world you preffer? If you immunity system is not regularly trained and that means getting in contact with viruses and bacterias, it will just not know how to defend yourself. So finally if you will isolate your self, you can get sick and die on very common disease. I am not taklking about spreding the virus to the other people, if you are sick. But staying home? You must be kidding...


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 9:42 am
Tommy_W und burtronix gefällt das
Milos V.
Prominent Member

I think I can agree. It is not necessary that somebody is standing 10cm from you. Does not matter if he is infected or not. But we can not win with any dissease by pernament distancing and changing all ways of how we lived. Sure, in the begining, there was no way how to protect. Now, we have vacines. In our country, everybody who wanted to be vacinated have been already vacinated. Also more then 50% people went throug the dissasse, with or without symptoms. I woud say now is not a time for global country restrictions, now is important to protect people who need to be protected, but not just by limiting all others. And sure to efectively monitor the dissase to separate infected people. It is possible, we have like 15 infected people on 100 000 people per week. That means for our 10mil. country like 1500 infected per week.    That is not something, where you have to keep children from playing together, where you have to were mask if you are buying some vegetable, where you can not shake your hand, where you can not visit a hockey play or a concert. When will be a time whan it is safe from your point of view? During flu epidmemy we called it epidemy when we have 1500 on 100 000 per day, an even that time nothing is reduced, just hospital visits. So yes, be carefull, but keep living...

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 10:05 am
Illustrious Member
Congratulations on vaccinating young children!
Posted by: @milos-v

[...] Now, we have vacines. In our country, everybody who wanted to be vacinated have been already vacinated.  [...] That is not something, where you have to keep children from playing together

If your country is vaccinating children under 12, that is truly fantastic! Congratulations. Sending kids out to play without any protection, be it masking, distancing, or vaccination, is dangerous, but if you're actually protecting them, that's good news indeed. Now if children are being left unprotected simply because their parents are tired of protecting them, that's a different story.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 04/09/2021 4:26 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
life is in old normal

Now I think we misunderstood. I was writing about the personal life went almost into old normal. That is the actual situation in our country or at least region. I am sorry, if this is still not possible in yours, hope it soon be good as well. But what do you think by "protecting" children? I wrote that the kids are about to play together. Why I should protect them from this? Maybe to understand better what I meant by being back to normal, I include two photos from today. One is from my house, second is from the town square. Sure that children under 12 can not be vacinated. But honestly, only 20% of parents of children 12-16 let them vacinate. In the school class of my 12 years old son only 3 of 25 children are vacinated. But I do not want to discuss here, if it is good to vacinate children or not, that is everybodys decision.

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2021 12:13 pm
Honorable Member

But I do not want to discuss here, if it is good to vacinate children or not, that is everybodys decision.

Agree fully -everyone should decide for him/her-self.

There's too much false information spread by politicians, media and self proclaimed experts. And so, no wonder many got almost paranoid looking after "perfect" protection, or trying their best to be "good citizens". And it already came that far, that people got divided into two camps: those who refuse to get vaccine and then there are those, who think first group is responsible for current situation. Sometimes I just wonder at what time people stopped using their own brain.

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Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2021 3:57 pm
Illustrious Member
Calm before the storm
Posted by: @milos-v

[...] But what do you think by "protecting" children? I wrote that the kids are about to play together. Why I should protect them from this?

The new Delta strain is much more virulent and is increasingly affecting young adults and children. The problem with "I feel fine" is that once you notice you need protection, it's too late. Adults have to protect kids.

Maybe to understand better what I meant by being back to normal, I include two photos from today. One is from my house, second is from the town square.

Those pictures look a lot like our situation here (Massachusetts, US - pop. 7M) two months ago. The weather was warm, deaths were down to 0, everybody was optimistic. The weather is now slowly changing and deaths are back up to 10 per day. Delta is much worse and the next wave is already up to higher levels than we saw last December. That rosy picture can change quickly.

Sure that children under 12 can not be vacinated. But honestly, only 20% of parents of children 12-16 let them vacinate. In the school class of my 12 years old son only 3 of 25 children are vacinated.

Many schools here are opening "normally", then closing again quickly. One infected teacher passed it on to 20 of her students in the first week. 

I can understand not wanting to get a vaccine for health reasons. I can understand not wanting to wear a mask. I can understand not wanting to distance. But refusing to do anything -- any one of those 3 simple measures -- to protect oneself and others is simply not working. This thing is like a fire. Don't declare victory until it's 100% out.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Veröffentlicht : 05/09/2021 4:40 pm
Clemens M. gefällt das
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