How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
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How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?  

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RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


Posted by: @oxize

My life is quite complicated. I had work until 2018 as Senior Network specialist. At september 2018 i had extreme burnout symptoms and was suicidal. Some of my Collegue saw that and told this to my manager. I was forced to seek specialists. Seems to have an chronic depression with anxious disorder where i dont show my emotions, but keep them all in myself. In the past from 2000, 2006 alot life threathned things happend in my life. Next to that i had some medic fails from the hospital where i was. All with everything builds up stress. stress at work, stress at home (bad neigbours/drugs), stress at our family. My body couldnt tank new energy, until it exploited itself into extreme fysicial problems.

Then one year later came Covid. This made things alot worser. Couldnt see ppl who i loved. I had still no work, and i had to be carefull with covid, because i am an lung patient also (1 lung removed duo medic fails in the past, collasped lung). An simple cold for normal ppl, redirects in my case into an heavy cold with fevers/pain or worser Pneumonia.

As writing today, my both parents (mom and dad) having covid Micron variant. They are verry sick at this moment. My head is atm so full of all SHIT happening all around me. When is this covid shit stopping!?


I feel for you & wish there was something I could do for you. Continue to take care of your physical & mental health. Things will get better. Good bless.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Opublikowany : 02/01/2022 3:23 am
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I have taken social distancing, mask wearing, & vaccination very seriously. I had 2 elderly parents & other immune-compromised family members. My mother died in June & my father in December, both of non-COVID illness. So I'd say my precautions were successful. I lived 4 hours from them in another state, but drove to support them several times most months for the last year. I spent a lot of time with them in doctors offices & hospitals & was with each of them at the end. Growing old is not for the faint-of-heart. But as sad as these times have been, it was also precious to spend those moments with each of them & let them know they were loved. And it was also precious to see them express love to each other. Now that the responsibility is done, there is sadness & an empty feeling, but also other family members who support & love me. Now I'm trying to get a 3D design business off the ground.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Opublikowany : 02/01/2022 3:42 am
C6 Modellsport
Active Member

At first it was a boon. People stopped hounding me to go out and do things. I could just go 'well I don't want to risk COVID' and they were all 'oh ok'. I didn't have to make up any BS to justify to them that I didn't want to go anywhere and I didn't have to deal with them getting their knickers in a twist if I simply and truthfully told them I didn't want to go anywhere. It was nice; I'm a hermit anyway I hate leaving my house I was all too happy to exploit the pandemic to help keep things peaceful and alone for me.

As it drug on, though, and I started seeing just how much of the world is willing to disregard science to follow the whimsy of a greedy reality TV star turned failed president, how pervasive and strong the antivax movement is...I've started outright hating society. It sickened me to see how many people just flat out didn't believe the virus was real, even as they lay on their deathbeds as that very virus ravaged their lungs. It sickened me to see how many of them just likened it to the flu, or even worse used it as a soapbox to spew racism and bigotry.

Before the pandemic I just didn't care for society, now I'm honestly in favor of the big red radioactive reset button getting hit. It's made me look at my fellow man with disgust knowing there's a 1 in 2 chance any one person I look at could be a literal plaguebearer by choice, that they think their personal freedom takes precedence over my father's life, my better half's life, that they think they have a god given right to transmit awful diseases to all they encounter because they read on facebook that vaccines give you autism or some other stupid bullshit. I can't look out onto a busy street without feeling disgust anymore because I know I'm looking at people who think their 'liberties' take precedence over other people's LIVES.

The absolute most frustrating part about it is the vax is free. Gratis. They don't have to sacrifice much of anything to get the damn thing. I turned my two doses into an excuse to fly my RC airplanes instead of work the afternoon away and I'll do the same with my booster shot when I'm eligible for that. Fer frog's snacks I didn't even have to get out of my car the first two doses! Literally drive-thru.

In short, it's made me much angrier at the world than I already was.

This post was modified 3 years temu by C6 Modellsport
Opublikowany : 12/01/2022 8:54 pm
Active Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Covid has changed my life dramatically, I've changed my job and now I'm working from home, it changed my character traits on a psychological level

Opublikowany : 21/06/2022 2:54 am
Active Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Covid-19 has changed my health - I had a huge hair loss and I still try to recover from it. Also I started to learn French during Covid and it was a great decision

Opublikowany : 12/08/2022 4:52 am
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


Posted by: @bettfair

Covid-19 has changed my health - I had a huge hair loss and I still try to recover from it. Also I started to learn French during Covid and it was a great decision

This is a common story.  My health had gone down hill also.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 12/08/2022 10:03 am
Manu k
New Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

This virus creates significant knock-on effects on the daily life of citizens, as well as about the global economy. Closure of places for entertainment such as movie and play theatres, sports clubs, gymnasiums, swimming pools, and so on.

Opublikowany : 27/09/2022 4:58 am
Razor polubić
New Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I got covid over christmas last year. But other than the usual covid restriction i actually felt like covid was sort of refreshing. I could concentrate on work and didnt have to attend social gatherings or stuff like that all the time

Opublikowany : 27/09/2022 9:08 am
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I definitely take it seriously, not from a political ideology standpoint, but from a healthcare standpoint, as in I know people who have caught Covid and it was not pretty in any of the cases I know of.

I just got (well, two weeks ago) my last booster of the new Omicron specific vaccine, and I have not, so far, had any of the Covid symptoms, even mild, and I hope to keep it that way!  I also don't want to be the guy who gets it and carelessly spreads it around to those who are more likely to have a serious outcome.

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 1:40 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I do think it is time to remove politics.  As a clinician, I am having difficulty counseling patients because to the political overtones in the US.  I constantly hear “the masks do nothing” and the “the vaccines does not work”.  Masks obviously do something to lower transmission rates because the maskless are more likely to catch COVID (studies support this) and the past two years have been the lowest rates of Influenza since we start measuring rates.  Part of that is social distancing.  

Posted by: @jsw

I definitely take it seriously, not from a political ideology standpoint, but from a healthcare standpoint, as in I know people who have caught Covid and it was not pretty in any of the cases I know of.

I just got (well, two weeks ago) my last booster of the new Omicron specific vaccine, and I have not, so far, had any of the Covid symptoms, even mild, and I hope to keep it that way!  I also don't want to be the guy who gets it and carelessly spreads it around to those who are more likely to have a serious outcome.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 1:49 pm
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

The studies clearly show that those who used masks during the height of the pandemic had lower infection rates and were less likely to spread it (as well as other communicable diseases) to others.

The studies also clearly show that those who took the vaccine were less likely to get it, less likely to have serious symptoms if they did get it, and were less likely to pass it on.

This is healthcare, not politics.

The researchers, the pharmaceutical suppliers, and the entire healthcare industry did a bang-up job of developing and deploying effective vaccines in record time and deserve far more credit than they seem to be getting for doing so.

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 2:06 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


I am one of those folks.  I was part of the planning for the SE USAs COVID planning.  I expanded testing and treatments so that we could test and treat 10K per day.  

Posted by: @jsw

The studies clearly show that those who used masks during the height of the pandemic had lower infection rates and were less likely to spread it (as well as other communicable diseases) to others.

The studies also clearly show that those who took the vaccine were less likely to get it, less likely to have serious symptoms if they did get it, and were less likely to pass it on.

This is healthcare, not politics.

The researchers, the pharmaceutical suppliers, and the entire healthcare industry did a bang-up job of developing and deploying effective vaccines in record time and deserve far more credit than they seem to be getting for doing so.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 2:08 pm
burtronix polubić
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I will say it flat out.

Thank you for your service!  Good job, well done!

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 2:10 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


Posted by: @makeitmakeitmakeit

I'm certain I'll catch some flak for this, but I really don't care....'s all nothing but LIES anyway.

In other words, you're making yourself an incognizant petri dish for incubating the next variant.

Whatever you find to do with your hands, do with all your might!

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 5:21 pm
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Actually, many of us may have had subclinical infections that were suppressed by the vaccine.

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 6:01 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Subclinical is not uncommon in those who say they have never had it and were not vaccinated.  We do not fully understand why hits some hard and others not.  I still would not play Russian Roulette with the virus.  

Posted by: @jsw

Actually, many of us may have had subclinical infections that were suppressed by the vaccine.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 03/10/2022 6:21 pm
jsw polubić
Reputable Member


I, and I believe most, appreciate the effort of all in the medical profession that tried to get us through the last 2+ years.

How did COVID 19 affect me? I was virtually housebound for 2.5 years. My family was terrified that they might bring COVID 19 back on those occasions where they had to go out. I am in what I call the "death zone" based on my age and health.

I live in British Columbia. and early in the Pandemic our provincial government turned over the handling/management of the pandemic to our Provincial Health Officer and stepped back. Her decisions were based on science.By following the PHO's directions (vaccine, physical distancing,...) I and my family made it through so far. I say 'so far' because I personally do not not think we are out of the woods yet. And I was just starting to go out again 😀 . It looks like COVID 19 has different agenda because it is increasing here again 😥 .

COVID 19 has made me realize just how dependent we are on EVERYBODY that touches our lives in some way. Sanitation workers, store employees, EMT, Doctors, Nurses, care workers. I could go on forever but I am a lousy typist. Maybe "made me realize" should read "elevated my belief".  I was working late at the office. I started a conversation and at one point she said that her job " was not important and neither was she". I responded by saying that because she did her job,the office and my workspace was clean and welcoming to come to every day. This was pre-COVID and the pandemic made me realize how much broader these dependencies reached.




Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Opublikowany : 04/10/2022 11:06 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Thanks, folks.  I base everything on science.  The science has changed subtly over time.  As I retire from military medicine in the next 5 months, I look forward to a quite return to civilian medicine.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 05/10/2022 12:52 am
burtronix polubić
New Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

But I am not sick! And be fine, covid definitely does not travel tousands of kilometers, so I am definitelly not the one you should be afraid of. Do you think that from now nobody can come closer to anybody, that everybody should leave his home only to buy food? This is the world you preffer? If you immunity system is not regularly trained and that means getting in contact with viruses and bacterias, it will just not know how to defend yourself. So finally if you will isolate your self, you can get sick and die on very common disease. I am not taklking about spreding the virus to the other people, if you are sick. But staying home? You must be kidding...

Opublikowany : 07/10/2022 4:49 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I think you underestimating COVID based on your lack of understanding of immunity.  The COVID we see today is different.  It has mutated to become more contagious and less severe.  

The staying home and away from other is only useful in the initial spikes to allow the hospitals and professionals to prepare.  We don’t need to do that in the general public any more.  I would recommend some distancing and maybe masking in the fall and winter during flu season.  I think anyone who knows they are Ill should do their best to avoid others or stay at home.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 07/10/2022 5:06 pm
burtronix polubić
Strona 4 / 5