How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
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How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?  

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Illustrious Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
Posted by: @hopkins98
National lockdowns have had an immediate impact on the energy sector, both in terms of consumption and production. The result has been a slump in electricity demand unparalleled since the Great Depression, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Usage has typically fallen by up to 20 per cent for each month of lockdown, creating what the IEA has described as a ‘prolonged Sunday’ of extended low-level consumption. Although homeworking has increased domestic electricity use by around 40 per cent, this has not been enough to offset the demand lost due to the closure of offices and factories.

Water and wastewater industries have noted a change in patterns as well.  


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 09/11/2021 7:13 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I think we are nearly out of the Pandemic.  Maybe a few weeks or months.  

I have become a semihermit.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 11/11/2021 10:08 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


I wish! I hate to rain on your parade but...

A new sub-variant has appeared in Saskatchewan. According to the news, it is spreading rapidly across western Canada. Since it takes time for variants to be identified, and with borders open, who knows if this is the origin or if it came from somewhere else. Whatever the case, I am sure it will show up in other places. Just when things were starting to look brighter. It is was nice to be able to go out and be with other responsible individuals. I do not want to see more restrictions

Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Publié : 12/11/2021 1:01 am
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Two "subvariants" predate this one.  Both ended up being nothing.  

Posted by: @kennd


I wish! I hate to rain on your parade but...

A new sub-variant has appeared in Saskatchewan. According to the news, it is spreading rapidly across western Canada. Since it takes time for variants to be identified, and with borders open, who knows if this is the origin or if it came from somewhere else. Whatever the case, I am sure it will show up in other places. Just when things were starting to look brighter. It is was nice to be able to go out and be with other responsible individuals. I do not want to see more restrictions


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 12/11/2021 1:35 am
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I hope you are right.


Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Publié : 12/11/2021 1:50 am
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

The numbers do appear to be starting to tick up yet again.  I sure hope this is not the beginning of yet another wave.

Publié : 12/11/2021 2:23 am
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I concur.  I am tired of this crap.  

Posted by: @jsw

The numbers do appear to be starting to tick up yet again.  I sure hope this is not the beginning of yet another wave.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 12/11/2021 2:38 am
Famed Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
Posted by: @cwbullet

I concur.  I am tired of this crap.  


I sure hate to think of a third winter of lockdowns and restrictions.  I really hope the people (this applies mainly in the States) would quit listening to the politicians and listen to the physicians and virologists and get vaccinated!

We have appointments next Wednesday for boosters.  There is no question at all of whether we should get them or not.

Publié : 12/11/2021 3:04 am
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

yup.  Politicians and crappy news casters are full of it.  

Posted by: @jsw
Posted by: @cwbullet

I concur.  I am tired of this crap.  


I sure hate to think of a third winter of lockdowns and restrictions.  I really hope the people (this applies mainly in the States) would quit listening to the politicians and listen to the physicians and virologists and get vaccinated!

We have appointments next Wednesday for boosters.  There is no question at all of whether we should get them or not.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 12/11/2021 3:50 am
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I really hope the people (this applies mainly in the States) would quit listening to the politicians and listen to the physicians and virologists and get vaccinated!

Not just the States.

Just think where we could be if it wasn't for the people that don't believe COVID is real, don't believe in vaccine or masks. The rest of are being held hostage by these anti-this and anti-that. I refuse to refer to them by the media name and instead refer to them as <>. Unlike the rest of Canada, BCs PHO can issue legally binding and enforceable orders, like you cannot attend ticketed events, go out dining, go to a bar, work in healthcare facility, without being fully vaccinated. More to come.,

Today, one of 'them' tried to take over a Remembrance Day ceremony to rant. Really? The organizers  cut power to the mike and all the people joined in to drown her out by loudly singing Oh Canada.

How has COVID changed my daily life?

I have ZERO tolerance for <> that place their whims over the life and safety of the vulnerable members of our community, the elderly, young, and ill.

I have to wait until Jan. for booster, if BC is going to give them to all. (Based on science)



Quality is the Journey, not the Destination. My limited prints->

Publié : 12/11/2021 3:51 am
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Gaaaaaad I sure hope you guys are wrong about yet another wave! I'm just starting to get my social life back and the thought of isolating for yet another winter is a major bummer!

I'm very much looking forward to flying to the coast for the holidays next month a I sure hope that yet another Covid wave doesn't torpedo that!

There have been some silver linings in the Covid cloud, however, at least for me.

I've saved a LOT of money! Amazing! I really didn't realize how much I was spending on entertainment and small stuff. 

I was planning to retire next month, but they talked me into staying on another six months and gave me a $ignificant in$entive for doing $o. 🙂

Also, I used to get maybe 1-2 colds each year, but not even a case of the sniffles since 2019. I really hope that people keep paying attention to hygiene and general common sense practices once this thing finally blows over. 

Oh, getting my booster this week! I HATE shots, but this is again one I'm looking forward to. I qualify due to age, but I know I don't act it and am in denial. 🙂

Oh well ... so it goes ...

Publié : 14/11/2021 1:40 pm
StanHD a aimé
Illustrious Member

Another wave is not certain.  If it does happen it might not happen everywhere.


We're going to have to be careful for at least another two years, this doesn't mean we have to be hermits, just treat each party as a calculated risk and take tests before and after.  Technically, the 1918 flu pandemic is not actually over, it has become part of the general background risk and almost all of us have some resistance.  In a few years COVID19 will become similar.


Publié : 14/11/2021 8:06 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

One good piece of news, the common cold, and influenza cases are at an all-time low for the last 18-24 months.  Hmm, Social distancing and masking do something.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 15/11/2021 3:24 am
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


Posted by: @cwbullet

One good piece of news, the common cold, and influenza cases are at an all-time low for the last 18-24 months.  Hmm, Social distancing and masking do something.  

I have not had a common cold since 2019! I haven't had flu for decades. I used to always get 1-2 colds per year but nothing and all, even sniffles, in 2020-2021!

Publié : 04/12/2021 5:57 pm
MysDawg a aimé
New Member

Not something too dramatic. Even before the pandemic, I worked from home so there was no change for me. I don't hang out with people too much, nor do I go out so it's like a pandemic my whole adult life xD 

Publié : 07/12/2021 10:45 am
Eminent Member

My life is quite complicated. I had work until 2018 as Senior Network specialist. At september 2018 i had extreme burnout symptoms and was suicidal. Some of my Collegue saw that and told this to my manager. I was forced to seek specialists. Seems to have an chronic depression with anxious disorder where i dont show my emotions, but keep them all in myself. In the past from 2000, 2006 alot life threathned things happend in my life. Next to that i had some medic fails from the hospital where i was. All with everything builds up stress. stress at work, stress at home (bad neigbours/drugs), stress at our family. My body couldnt tank new energy, until it exploited itself into extreme fysicial problems.

Then one year later came Covid. This made things alot worser. Couldnt see ppl who i loved. I had still no work, and i had to be carefull with covid, because i am an lung patient also (1 lung removed duo medic fails in the past, collasped lung). An simple cold for normal ppl, redirects in my case into an heavy cold with fevers/pain or worser Pneumonia.

As writing today, my both parents (mom and dad) having covid Micron variant. They are verry sick at this moment. My head is atm so full of all SHIT happening all around me. When is this covid shit stopping!?


Publié : 19/12/2021 2:55 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I don't want to retire until this whole thing finally blows over!

Publié : 19/12/2021 5:12 pm
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

I am not sure I can retire until this blows over.  

Posted by: @annier

I don't want to retire until this whole thing finally blows over!


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 19/12/2021 6:44 pm
New Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Hey - I am new to the forums and thought I would chime in on this thread. 

"How has Covid-19 affected your daily life?"

I have not gotten out of the house for the past two years. While I did get my initial vaccinations and booster shots I cannot risk giving Covid to my family. Let alone get it. I cannot afford the hospital bills and I do not want to give Covid to my family. My mother is immune compromised. Even though she got the vaccine and will be getting the booster. I do not want to risk killing her with Covid.

Publié : 28/12/2021 12:47 pm
Eminent Member

Ye, my mom battleing for over 30 years to Post Traumatic Dystrophy (nervepain), and have gotten all kind other diseases the last 10 years.

Last week tuesday, my mom and dad were diagnosed with Delta Covid. They had both their shots. As today, my mom is still verry ill, a week later. My dad is getting already better. 

Really hope she get better soon. She almost eats nothing, and if she eats, she throw up 15min later duo the illness. She is on the border of being taken to hospital. Hopefully it wont reach that far. Mostly when you end up in the hospital, and you get extra oxigen and stuff, stuff get worser or you end up dying.

Publié : 28/12/2021 12:57 pm
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