How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?
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How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?  

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Milos V.
Prominent Member

I would like to be optimistic. We went through hard. In Europe now rises 4th wave. We had 4th wave alredy in March/April. More then 50 percent of people were so far infected. We payed a tax of 2.8 tousands of dead per milion, that is worldwide 5th worst place. Now everybody who wants a vaccine can get it. Our numbers are stable from June with minimal restrictions. My region of 120 thousands people have one infected per week. I hope we are on a good way to handle now and to live. Honestly, there is only few more people to get infected now. Sure we have to consider reinfection. But hopefully with not so hard progress of disease. We will see if this is a mistake or not. But here as I said we are back to normal sofar. Currently I want to safe mi kids from social distancing, unsuficient education and being closed home. Maxbe during winter I will change the priorities.

Opublikowany : 05/09/2021 5:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Except children and the vulnerable
Posted by: @milos-v

[...] Now everybody who wants a vaccine can get it.

Unless they are your children, correct? Children and people with a number of vulnerabilities are definitely still at risk. I can understand why they would appreciate some consideration until they can get a vaccine or numbers come down. Consideration for others seems to be the decent thing to do.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 05/09/2021 5:35 pm
Milos V.
Prominent Member
RE: not right

I think you treat me unjustly. If I want to let my children, my wife live and me to live, does not mean I do not protect them. I went for vaccine with my wife the very first day we were allowed to go (very strict rules and waiting lists, end of June we were allowed). My kids are 9 and 12. First day (in fact first minute) I could ask for vaccine for my 12 years old son he was registered, in one week after that vaccinated. My son is one of the 3 persons from his class that have got the vaccine. I have to say that I have to face much more attacks from the people around that I allowed my son be vaccinated with that "untested, dangerous vaccine". I think I did what I could to protect the whole family. Nobody from my family have been infected (crosschecked with antibodies test). I just think we can not hide from any disease for ever. How long it is since the SARS or MERS was first time in Asia? Since that time if you can see the pictures from China, Japan, people are still wearing masks. I am sorry, but I do not see this way to live. I think we fought too hard for freedom to surrender because of virus. Do you think we should hide forever?

Opublikowany : 05/09/2021 6:08 pm

A lot folks in Korea, Japan, and China do that to pretect against smog and allergies, but not just illness.  

Posted by: @milos-v

I think you treat me unjustly. If I want to let my children, my wife live and me to live, does not mean I do not protect them. I went for vaccine with my wife the very first day we were allowed to go (very strict rules and waiting lists, end of June we were allowed). My kids are 9 and 12. First day (in fact first minute) I could ask for vaccine for my 12 years old son he was registered, in one week after that vaccinated. My son is one of the 3 persons from his class that have got the vaccine. I have to say that I have to face much more attacks from the people around that I allowed my son be vaccinated with that "untested, dangerous vaccine". I think I did what I could to protect the whole family. Nobody from my family have been infected (crosschecked with antibodies test). I just think we can not hide from any disease for ever. How long it is since the SARS or MERS was first time in Asia? Since that time if you can see the pictures from China, Japan, people are still wearing masks. I am sorry, but I do not see this way to live. I think we fought too hard for freedom to surrender because of virus. Do you think we should hide forever?


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 05/09/2021 6:14 pm
Illustrious Member
You as in collectively in your country
Posted by: @milos-v

I think you treat me unjustly.

I meant "you" collectively. As in your population. You used the words "my country" so I wanted clarification. Children are dependent on adults to protect them.

[...] I think I did what I could to protect the whole family.

Yes, it sounds like you (individually) are being very responsible. I just wasn't clear in your earlier posts whether children were included in "everyone who wants one". We also have a lot of people being very responsible. We can get back to "more normal" while still being responsible. Unfortunately, at least here in the US, some people insist this means we don't need to do anything at all.

[...] Since that time if you can see the pictures from China, Japan, people are still wearing masks. I am sorry, but I do not see this way to live. I think we fought too hard for freedom to surrender because of virus. Do you think we should hide forever?

Masks in Asia pre-date COVID and any of those diseases. They also wear them as protection against pollution in heavily populated areas. They view them like we view raincoats and umbrellas. I don't consider wearing a mask "hiding" any more than I consider an umbrella, a warm coat, or even a warm scarf around my nose hiding. It's something sensible I do to stay healthy in inclement conditions. 

Using my (admittedly US-centric) numbers, the risk of dying from COVID in the US is about 0.002 (0.2%). The odds of a WWII US servicemember dying in combat (KIA) was 0.008% (0.8%). That means that the average US citizen faces less than an order of magnitude less risk walking down the street than a soldier engaged in combat in one of our deadliest wars, and those numbers don't seem to be improving. To me, giving up and accepting these deaths among our neighbors, friends, and family is hiding. A soldier puts on a helmet and gas mask for the duration of the battle, then takes them off when the battle is over. That is heroic. I'm willing to put up with a mask and a bit of distancing if it helps, even remotely, protect others. We're in a fight even if buildings aren't burning.

I know socializing with other kids is important. I have 2 sons myself (now grown). Kids don't make a big deal about masks and understand crowding is a problem. They're fine wearing football helmets and seatbelts. We adults just need to protect them reasonably.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 05/09/2021 6:34 pm
Eminent Member
My Perspective


Posted by: @cwbullet

I am not afraid of you although I do prefer a little distancing.  I am protecting you.  I work on a COVID ward.  I treat these people every day.  If anything, I am likely to infect you.  


The risks and selflessness endured delivering care and humanity to the front-line, on our behalf all over the world, leave me humble and full of respect for you all. So modifying our lifestyle just a little bit isn't that hard for most of us, especially as it is proven to slow down the spread of this virus. Most of us, I hope, will never experience the inside of a Covid Ward, along with the trauma, and suffering endured therein by patients, carers, workers and medical staff.

So on behalf of my family, to all of you, who do this on all our behalf, ......... Thank You.

Opublikowany : 07/09/2021 10:24 am
bobstro polubić
Humbly accepted.

Thank you.  The way the world has flex for their fellow people makes me humbled also.  

Posted by: @stanhd


Posted by: @cwbullet

I am not afraid of you although I do prefer a little distancing.  I am protecting you.  I work on a COVID ward.  I treat these people every day.  If anything, I am likely to infect you.  


The risks and selflessness endured delivering care and humanity to the front-line, on our behalf all over the world, leave me humble and full of respect for you all. So modifying our lifestyle just a little bit isn't that hard for most of us, especially as it is proven to slow down the spread of this virus. Most of us, I hope, will never experience the inside of a Covid Ward, along with the trauma, and suffering endured therein by patients, carers, workers and medical staff.

So on behalf of my family, to all of you, who do this on all our behalf, ......... Thank You.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 07/09/2021 12:55 pm

I wish you had the vaccines.  We can't get people to take them here.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 11/09/2021 4:16 pm
Reputable Member

This stupid pandemic has been dragging on a lot longer than it should, at least here in the states, partly because idiots of one particular political persuasion are actively fighting the efforts to control it! 🙁

Real stupid stuff like the vaccine has microchips in it or communicates with cell towers or makes you magnetic. 

I actually overheard one clod at the bar last night professing that taking the vaccine is unpatriotic! 🙁

Opublikowany : 11/09/2021 4:50 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?

Real stupid stuff like the vaccine has microchips in it or communicates with cell towers or makes you magnetic.

Next time you meet one of those tell them I would love to get hold of one of those microchips, I particularly want to find out how they are powered and how they fit a 4G/5G aerial in the space, even a 1/4 wave must be approaching a centimetre  ...

Oh, and humans are naturally very slightly magnetic.

Opublikowany : 11/09/2021 5:50 pm
burtronix polubić
Famed Member


 Oh, and humans are naturally very slightly magnetic.

LOL, trust me, the typical Covid/vaccine deniers around here do not have magnetic personalities!  😉

Opublikowany : 11/09/2021 10:13 pm
Active Member
RE: How covid-19 has affected your daily life ?


Posted by: @jasonn21

I use to play golf and was preparing for a national tournament and from nowhere covid-19 comes and disturbs the schedule, I had spent months learning cool tips of golf but now I am starting from zero. What about you guys?

I got heavily into 3D printing. I had the free time to begin learning how to tinker, and so I did. COVID made me realize my inner maker / tinkerer

Opublikowany : 28/09/2021 11:04 pm

Hmm - I with my magnetic charge would repeal them.

Posted by: @jsw


 Oh, and humans are naturally very slightly magnetic.

LOL, trust me, the typical Covid/vaccine deniers around here do not have magnetic personalities!  😉


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 29/09/2021 12:13 am
New Member
Covid Sucks!!

Currently in day 6 of suffering with Covid. It has kicked my butt, but thankfully i have not required hospitalization. Received infusion on day 3.  I highly recommend the infusion if available.

Opublikowany : 02/10/2021 4:17 pm
burtronix polubić
Reputable Member


Posted by: @undertaker

Currently in day 6 of suffering with Covid. It has kicked my butt, but thankfully i have not required hospitalization. Received infusion on day 3.  I highly recommend the infusion if available.

I do hope you get over it soon and without any lasting effects!

Were you vaccinated?

Opublikowany : 02/10/2021 4:42 pm
Illustrious Member
Get better
Posted by: @undertaker

Currently in day 6 of suffering with Covid. It has kicked my butt, but thankfully i have not required hospitalization. Received infusion on day 3.  I highly recommend the infusion if available.

Hope you're recovering well! 


My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Opublikowany : 02/10/2021 7:03 pm

AND IF you are a candidate.  

Posted by: @undertaker

Currently in day 6 of suffering with Covid. It has kicked my butt, but thankfully i have not required hospitalization. Received infusion on day 3.  I highly recommend the infusion if available.


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 02/10/2021 7:35 pm
Active Member
I can't believe it's not butter!

Yes, that's what I think about my MK3.  If it wasn't for it, I would have gone stark raving mad during this pandemic.  In the last one, we lost 1/3 of our family so I never did get to meet my Grandmother.  But on a lighter side, I can't believe just how much 3d printing I'm doing.  Fusion 360 was pretty hard to figure out for a few months, and I was a local expert on AutoCAD v10/12.  But now I got the hang of it, I get to prototype all sorts of stuff I need around the house.  I'm addicted...

Opublikowany : 09/10/2021 12:19 am
burtronix i StanHD polubić
New Member
Energy and emissions


Posted by: @jasonn21

I use to play golf and was preparing for a national tournament and from nowhere covid-19 comes and disturbs the schedule, I had spent months learning cool tips of golf but now I am starting from zero. What about you guys?

National lockdowns have had an immediate impact on the energy sector, both in terms of consumption and production. The result has been a slump in electricity demand unparalleled since the Great Depression, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Usage has typically fallen by up to 20 per cent for each month of lockdown, creating what the IEA has described as a ‘prolonged Sunday’ of extended low-level consumption. Although homeworking has increased domestic electricity use by around 40 per cent, this has not been enough to offset the demand lost due to the closure of offices and factories.


Opublikowany : 02/11/2021 11:10 am
New Member

There is not much change. I'm quite an introverted person, so I don't like to hang out much, and I've been working from home for years, so there aren't many changes 🙂

Opublikowany : 08/11/2021 7:27 pm
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