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Stuck on starting RPi zero  

printing overnight
Stuck on starting RPi zero

Raspi Zero W (with printed spacer, with five 18mm pins soldered in myself)
PusaLink 0.5.2 image
MK3s (no MMU2) with firmware 3.10.0


1. Burned the image to a 16GB SD card with wifi and hostname set up according to the instructions

2. Enabled RPi port on the printer

3. The printer is reporting: "Prusa i3 MK3S OK.", and does a short flicker every 10 sec or so. I waited for about half an hour and then gave up


I tried that few times and waited quite long before giving up, definitely more than 10 min as suggested in the instructions.
I re-checked that RPi port is [on].

I reburned the image to same SD card, then to another 16 GB SD card, still no change.
Wifi router checked, I see no prusalink showing up on my wifi.
Will check and re-solder zero's header pins now, perhaps I have a cold connection. Prusa zero pliers helpful here!

Best Answer by Nox:

Posted by: @printing-overnight

Check out step 7: https://prusa3d.com/downloads/manual/gen_prusalink_install_en_2021-06-02.pdf
The pin headers seem to be on the wrong side in your picture. You should use the pin holes near the microSD card reader and the pin headers should stick out on the components side of the board.

Respondido : 22/08/2021 2:28 pm

It really seams, that PrusaLink not communicate with Printer. The best way to check is connect RaspberryPi to monitor, and keyboard and see what happen in system.

Respondido : 23/08/2021 11:00 am
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:

I discovered I had used an older printed Pi zero spacer and had six (!) header pins connected. I removed pin23 and tried again, no change.

I removed the Pi Zero from the MK3S and connected it to a micro USB power supply. It started blinking right away, booted just fine and did show up on my WiFi within three minutes. Yay! That means that (a) the Pi zero is not broken, (b) the SD card is set up properly, and PrusaLink just was not connected properly to the printer. Re-soldering underway now.


Respondido : 23/08/2021 3:23 pm
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:

Respondido : 23/08/2021 6:00 pm
only 5 pins needed

Shouldn't you have only 5 pins connected instead of 6 (also according to the guide here: https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/raspberry-pi-zero-w-preparation-and-installation_2180)?

Respondido : 24/08/2021 11:39 am
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:

@salman You are fully right, which is why I removed the sixth pin.

Posted by: @printing-overnight

I discovered I had used an older printed Pi zero spacer and had six (!) header pins connected. I removed pin23 and tried again, no change.


Respondido : 24/08/2021 5:18 pm
RE: Wrong pins?
Posted by: @printing-overnight

Check out step 7: https://prusa3d.com/downloads/manual/gen_prusalink_install_en_2021-06-02.pdf
The pin headers seem to be on the wrong side in your picture. You should use the pin holes near the microSD card reader and the pin headers should stick out on the components side of the board.

Respondido : 24/08/2021 6:06 pm
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:

OMG, the board itself is flipped! Thank you, I checked soldering several times, but I got it completely wrong  🙈
Thank you for pointing this out. This cannot work. PEBKAC.

Posted by: @nox

The pin headers seem to be on the wrong side in your picture. You should use the pin holes near the microSD card reader and the pin headers should stick out on the components side of the board.


Respondido : 24/08/2021 6:31 pm
Nox me gusta
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:

After flipping the board to correct orientation and soldering header pins once again, the boarded booted from microSD, aquired a WiFi IP and started the wizard. Success!

Respondido : 30/08/2021 9:38 pm
Balu, Vlastimil y Nox me gusta
printing overnight
Topic starter answered:
runs great!

After three weeks printing with no glitch, I have to say PrusaLink doesn't feel at all like early-alpha-unstable.
It is more like the latest beta before making it a release candidate, thumbs up to all developers!  😊👍

Respondido : 18/09/2021 8:41 am
Nox me gusta