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PrusaLink GUI CS Translation
PrusaLink type: Raspberry Pi Zero
PrusaLink version: 0.6.0
There is no CS translation on the page #projects: Gcodes Prusa Link
According to other parties, it should have been: Projekty
Prusa MK3S
- firmware 3.10.1-4697 PrusaLink - Raspberry Pi Zero, version 0.6.0
Publié : 24/12/2021 7:44 pm
Topic starter
RE: PrusaLink GUI CS Translation
It is correct to fix this in the file main.f9b8dc01ecb5e905200d.js ?
Or is there another place where translations are stored?
Prusa MK3S
- firmware 3.10.1-4697 PrusaLink - Raspberry Pi Zero, version 0.6.0
Publié : 27/12/2021 11:12 am