Prusaconnect - no file preview (new .bgcode + QOI)
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Prusaconnect - no file preview (new .bgcode + QOI)  

Eminent Member
Prusaconnect - no file preview (new .bgcode + QOI)


For some reason, after getting into alpha firmware and new bgcode, I don't have a preview of the print. For some files it appears after some time, for some files it's not.

Example below:

On the printer, both files has the preview of the print.

Slicer: 2.7.0-Alpha1

Printer: MK4 5.1.0-Alpha2



Questa discussione è stata modificata 11 months fa 6 tempo da CybPL
Postato : 28/10/2023 12:21 pm
Utenti Moderator

Hi, yea. There was a mishap, there shouldn't have been a slicer putting just QOI images in gcodes. They were supposed to contain pngs or jpgs alongside them. That is not the case for the time being. Once the profiles update, newly sliced files will get their previews working on printers and the web simoultaneously. Sorry for the missing images in the meantine

Postato : 28/10/2023 4:26 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusaconnect - no file preview (new .bgcode + QOI)

Hi you have preview when you first upload to prusalink and then automatic to connect... Upload first to your printer with alpha fw... Then its working all

Postato : 29/10/2023 6:44 pm