PrusaConnect MBL 3D graph Y axis reversed
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PrusaConnect MBL 3D graph Y axis reversed  

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PrusaConnect MBL 3D graph Y axis reversed

PrusaLink type Raspberry Pi Zero

PrusaLink version 0.7.0.rc1

Printer type MK3S+

Printer UUID (you can find it in Printer detail page - address line) could not find this. Is this the MAC address?

Printer firmware version 3.11.0-4955

PrusaSlicer version (if applicable) N/A

Description of the bug, including steps to reproduce (if possible).

While making fine adjustments to the heatbed mounting hardware in order to dial in mesh bed leveling I have found that the Y values shown on the PrusaConnect 3D MBL graph are backward. Changes made to the physical location X205Y1 as indicated on the heatbed screenprint, result in change to the X205Y205 location on the 3D MBL graph.

Postato : 30/11/2022 6:57 pm
RE: PrusaConnect MBL 3D graph Y axis reversed

I have the same problem too. Y axis values are inverted.

Graph position x=1 y=1 coresponds to table position x=1 y=205

Graph position x=205 y=205 coresponds to table position x=205 y=1

Printer type MK3S+ (fw:3.14.1)

prusalink @raspberry pi zero 2w v0.8.1


Postato : 12/12/2024 10:06 pm