PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
I'm trying ot make an Android app, so the phone could be used as a camera, even when the phone is locked and the app is in background.
Anyway, When I'm sending the inital info request, everything works fine:
--> PUT h2 Token: qJ6yPMKEK32vrrj8EjU1 Fingerprint: google/oriole_beta/oriole:14/U1B1.230908.003/10811961:user/release-keys Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 56 Host: Connection: Keep-Alive Accept-Encoding: gzip User-Agent: okhttp/4.11.0 {"config":{"name":"Pixel 6","trigger_scheme":"TEN_SEC"}} --> END PUT (56-byte body) <-- 200 (116ms) date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 09:32:35 GMT content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 content-length: 253 x-powered-by: Poor WSGI for Python strict-transport-security: max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains {"id": 16262, "name": "Pixel 6", "config": {"name": "Pixel 6", "trigger_scheme": "TEN_SEC"}, "sort_order": 1, "token": "qJ6yPMKEK32vrrj8EjU1", "origin": "WEB", "registered": true, "team_id": XXXX, "printer_uuid": "XXXXXXX"} <-- END HTTP (253-byte body)
But later, when I repeat the exactly the same request, I get 403 and
{"message": "Fingerprint is not valid", "code": "FORBIDDEN_INVALID_FINGERPRINT"}
So, what's wrong with my fingerprint?! Your documentation just states it should be at least 16 characters long. Do you have any more (undocumented) assumptions about that string?
Best Answer by Tojik:
Hi, the fingerprint lengthe is limited to 64 characters. We will update the docs. Sorry
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
Hi, the fingerprint lengthe is limited to 64 characters. We will update the docs. Sorry
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
Another issue I found: there is some file size limit for images. And when it's exceeded, you get Nginx's HTML error page instead of JSON error from the webapp. Which is understandable, but would be nice know the limit berforehand, so I could prevent the upload and automaticaly lower the JPEG quality or resolution next time. Or maybe increase it? The full-quality pictures from my Pixel phone are quite large (5-10 MB).
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
AFAIR default nginx config allows 1MB file uploads, but you could try uploading different file sizes to detect it yourself, I guess it maybe around 8MB?
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
Yea, would be nice knowing there is a limit before releasing PrusaLink 😅
i tested 4k and it seemed fine. Did not have a camera that Wleould hit the limit, so I assumed it's not a problem
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
I started to collect and would improve the OPEN API spec at
What is the fingerprint - can´t find the answer here... is my "issue"
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
On the file size limit: 4k seems not to be the size limit...
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
Should be 8MB. Will update the doc hopefully. Stuff is just on fire lately
RE: PrusaConnect Camera API issue with fingerprint
I wil update the fork of the file on that repo...