Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length
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Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length  

Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length


I noticed that Prusa Slicer can't transfer Gcode files with a too long name or some special characters.

By modifying the name to make it shorter and removing some unrecognized characters, the transfer works perfectly.

Original name of the model : Fillet%20Radius%20Finder%20%28Inner%29%20-%20Design%20Reference%20Ruler



The error displayed is the following:

Error uploading to print host:
HTTP 500: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>
<title>500 - Internal Server Error</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style>
body {width: 80%; margin: auto; padding-top: 30px;} h1 {text-align: center; color: #707070;)
ore ine' soackaround teeveos
< style> < head> <oodV>
<h1>500 - Internal Server Error</h1>
<small><i>webmaster: [email protected] </i></small> </body> </html>
Veröffentlicht : 07/05/2023 2:35 pm
Mitglied Moderator
RE: Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length

Hi, what version of PrusaLink are you running? The dev version will correctly tell you thet there are unsupported characters present.

Veröffentlicht : 09/05/2023 8:47 pm
Kurt Gluck
RE: Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length

I have also seen the fact that if you try to upload a gcode with a file name that is too long (where the length isnt documented anyplace, and of course prusaslicer adds all sorts of stuff, like PLA_PLA_PLA_PLA_PLA to the name… ) you get an incomprehensible error message that seems to be referencing the fact that the name is now missing the .bgcode extention. 



Veröffentlicht : 24/03/2024 10:12 pm
Mitglied Moderator
RE: Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length

Yup, on buddy printers there is indeed a file name character limit. This should be better communicated

Veröffentlicht : 25/03/2024 12:03 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Slicer to Prusa Connect: file name length

Happens also on MK4.

Veröffentlicht : 25/03/2024 10:44 pm