Printing stops after 30 - 50 minutes
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Printing stops after 30 - 50 minutes  

Printing stops after 30 - 50 minutes

Raspberry Zero W
Prusa Link 0.5.2
MK3s 3.10.0

I have started three different prints, two via Prusa Link and one directly from the SD card, monitored by Prusa Link. After 30 - 50 minutes, the printing is repeatedly aborted with the following messages.

Aug 18, 2021 7:16:00 PM Printer state chaged to READY
Aug 18, 2021 7:16:00 PM Printer state chaged to ERROR
Aug 18, 2021 7:16:00 PM Printer state chaged to STOPPED
Aug 18, 2021 7:16:00 PM Printer state chaged to READY

I suspect the serial connection will be re-established and the printer will reset or restart. I checked the uptime of the Raspberry - it did not restart.

Posted : 19/08/2021 7:34 am
same gcode file each time?

Are you printing the same gcode but it is aborting at different durations?

was the hotend still at the printed object?

I had a print fail that was caused by the file I uploaded not uploading completely. I ssh'ed in and checked the file size against the duplicate gcode I saved at the same time I sent it to PrusaLink/Connect

Posted : 20/08/2021 1:31 am

^^ That. I've had transfers interrupted a few times when I slice and send a complex part and then wander off to the kitchen and use the microwave...

Posted : 20/08/2021 12:31 pm
Odin liked

That's a good catch. How about adding a checksum check to the upload? Digest or TLS (I assume TLS is harder in our use-case).

Posted : 20/08/2021 8:07 pm

We are working for some simple check file mechanism now. Thanks for report.

Posted : 24/08/2021 1:22 pm