Print paused with streamed gcode error
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Print paused with streamed gcode error  

Emiel Visser
Active Member
Print paused with streamed gcode error

I uploaded a file to the prusa connect environment, and then placed the file (36 Mb) into the queue on my mini+ and turned the mini+ off a short while later. (Several hours) later I went to start the print from the mini+ itself. After printing for about an hour it paused and says 'streamed gcode not downloaded yet. Check network, wait and' (message cut off). Resuming on the mini+, nor the connect environment works. It attempts but it says 'USB drive or file error, the print is now paused'.

What is the cause, and how can I recover the print?

Posted : 13/10/2023 9:21 am
Member Moderator
RE: Print paused with streamed gcode error

One thing to try would be to get the file onto the flash drive manually, insert that into the printer and press resume

Posted : 13/10/2023 10:30 am
Emiel Visser
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print paused with streamed gcode error

I will give that a try. Is it possible that the gcode was only partially streamed because I turned off the printer before the file was fully downloaded?

Posted : 13/10/2023 11:47 am
Member Moderator
RE: Print paused with streamed gcode error

Yep, sounds like it

Posted : 13/10/2023 12:00 pm
Emiel Visser
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print paused with streamed gcode error

Okay, time for an update. I pulled the my_project.gcode folder from the USB and replaced it with the original my_project.gcode file from my PC. After reinserting the USB and resuming the print, it seems to be happily continuing. Kudos for the flexible implementation that allows the printer to continue after such shenanigans!

Now to understand what happened I looked at the my_project.gcode folder which contains a 'p' and 'd' file. The 'd' file contains some odd characters and an url to prusa connect. I presume the data. Not too interesting. Now the 'p' file contained the gcode and had the correct size. However upon comparison with the original my_project.gcode file from my PC it's clear that something went wrong. The first part matches, however the later parts contain gcode from files I had on the USB before, or just empty space. So it looks like the 'p' file was assigned the size it needed, but the file was only partially populated.

I assume that when the mini+ encountered the gibberish gcode it paused, but never attempted to pull the correct gcode from the server, because the file appeared complete. Maybe a checksum check on the file before the print starts would prevent this.

If interested I would be happy to provide the Prusa engineerd the file for further inspection.


Posted : 13/10/2023 5:13 pm