Missing icon on Prusa Connect page
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Missing icon on Prusa Connect page  

Membre Moderator
Missing icon on Prusa Connect page

I guess something is wrong with the user avatar.


Publié : 05/10/2021 8:01 am
Eric E
Confirmed issue, windows 10, firefox

On Firefox on Winows 10, there is no avatar, broken or not.  I did a look-see inspection peek, and the web page is trying to load the avatar, and it is a valid link, but somehow with the rest of the html, it does not display.

Don’t trust forum advice.

Publié : 05/10/2021 12:14 pm
Membre Moderator
Topic starter answered:
http perhaps?

I reckon the icon link was done using HTTP instead of HTTPS ... not sure if that could be the problem.

Publié : 05/10/2021 12:43 pm
Eric E


Tweaking it to https doesn't load at all.  Apparently not listing on 443.

Fussing at it with an https link elsewhere, after a tweak or two (srcset killed, class killed), images do load.

This, for example, does load.

Don’t trust forum advice.

Publié : 05/10/2021 1:34 pm
Eric E
Yeah, Bingo for sure

Found this in the Firefox error console:

Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at http://prusaverse-s3-production-eu-central-1.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/media/auth/avatars/96/thumbs/cover/50x50/jpg/96288eac-32ef-47a3-96a1-4652e4f4df46.webp (“img-src”). 


Don’t trust forum advice.

Publié : 05/10/2021 1:49 pm
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