Filamentchanging: Print-TimeOut?
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Filamentchanging: Print-TimeOut?  

Filamentchanging: Print-TimeOut?

I have had this incident twice now that:If the filament change is not pulled through immediately, printing does not continue.

The incidents occurred after I could not change the filament for at least 15 minutes.

I found the printer in a full state:

  • The hotend had to be heated up again, OK.
  • the filament could be removed. Check
  • The new filament could be loaded cleanly. This was also confirmed by me. Check
  • The nozzle moves back to the object (temperatures are heated up for the filament), but no further printing takes place.

The nozzle has now been on the already printed object for several minutes and is melting in.

Status in PrusaConnect ("Cloud"): Attention. Printerstatus: Printing
Status in PrusaLink (Raspi): Printer status: Idle
Status Printer (Hardware): "Prusa i3 MK3S OK."

Controlling the printer via Raspi (PrusaLink) results in an error message: "Error - Action can not be performed" 


This topic was modified 3 years temu 2 times by KaroX
Opublikowany : 10/01/2022 2:58 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filamentchanging: Print-TimeOut?

PrusaLink type: Raspberry Pi Zero 2
PrusaLink version: 0.6.0
Printer typePrinter UUID: 790048df-799b-4b0e-b185-65b060cb4d65
Printer firmware version: 3.10.1-4697
PrusaSlicer version: 2.4.0+arm64

Opublikowany : 21/01/2022 10:21 am


I encountered the same problem.

The filament didn’t unload correctly so I had to fumble around for a bit. After hitting OK again the printer moved to the last position but nothing happened.

The Dashboard display the remaining time, but the Printer Status was “Idle”

The printer itself was also in idle mode where you could start a new print etc.


Cancelling the print was also not possible through the interface so the printer was power cycled.

Unfortunately I forgot to download the logfiles beforehand, so the files available are after rebooting.



Api         2.0.0

Hostname          PrusaLink

Firmware            3.10.1-4697

Server  0.6.0

Text       OctoPrint 1.1.0

Sdk        0.6.0

Frontend            3.5.0


System version:

Python 3.9.2 (default, Mar 12 2021, 04:06:34) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]

Description        Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

RELEASE              11

CODENAME       bullseye

ID           Raspbian



PRUSA CONNECT connection status        Successfully connected


3D printer connection status      Successfully connected

(/dev/ttyAMA0 @ 115200bps)


Logfiles: PrusaLinkErrors_filament_change

Opublikowany : 31/01/2022 1:56 pm
Tojik polubić
Member Moderator
RE: Filamentchanging: Print-TimeOut?

Thank you for the logs. Are we talking about the event from "Jan 30 17:02:28"? It looks like the printer was reset, can't find anything else looking like a filament change

Opublikowany : 16/02/2022 10:00 am