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%done graph is wrong in Connect, and doesn't match printing_time / remaining_time
To print a tiny calibration cube, my XL apparently takes ~15 minutes, only ~1 of which is actually laying down filament. Fine.
But while the times given in connect reflect this, the percentage does not. `Printing Time` and `Remaining Time` capture one of the key user touch points (when is it done), but the `%` shown is apparently only layers.
Really, I'd like to see this be a visual distinction of "getting ready to print" versus "printing" - but if that's a "feature request" / TBD, they text there should make clear what's going on. `Printing Time` is an actual running time it seems - whereas `Remaining Time` can be blown through (eg be incorrect) if something slows down. At minimum:
- alt/hover text should add for the `%` something like `% of model printed` (and is this by time, or layers - often wildly different)
- `Printing Time` should really be `Total Time`, as it covers non-printing activities like soak.
Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2024 1:30 am