Can PrusaSlicer update printers IP address from Prusa Connect?
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Can PrusaSlicer update printers IP address from Prusa Connect?  

Active Member
Can PrusaSlicer update printers IP address from Prusa Connect?

After restarting my mk3, it pulled a new IP address. Connect could find and connect to it without issue. 

Trying to upload and print from slicer quickly timed out and failed. I noticed the IP address changed on the printer, and manually updated printer IP address in Slicer to fix the issue.

Can slicer pull the correct/new IP address from Connect?


Respondido : 26/03/2022 11:43 pm
Miembro Moderator
RE: Can PrusaSlicer update printers IP address from Prusa Connect?

Hi, there are other ways to get around this issue. First, use the Pi's hostname. For example prusalink.local instead of the IP, or better yet, set a static IP to your Pi. You can do that from your routers' web interface. The mac address of your Pi, which you'll need to give to your router should be visible in the settings tab.

Also, the network discovery feature is coming, so if all else fails, the IP change should be easier to deal with.

Respondido : 27/03/2022 8:52 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can PrusaSlicer update printers IP address from Prusa Connect?

Thanks for the quick response.  I was more or less curious if PrusaSlicer would be capable of managing dynamic IPs.

Yes, a static IP will work well in the meantime.

Respondido : 27/03/2022 11:00 pm