500 Internal Server error after entering S/N
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500 Internal Server error after entering S/N  

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Membre Moderator

But since then we have easy workarounds. Plug the printer into a powerbank or a usb power brick (no data) and reset the printer.
The fact that it's not fixed after two months just means there hasn't been a proper update in that long. I hope the situation will improve once PrusaLink sources becomes public.

Publié : 04/05/2022 7:43 am
Win J.
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

I've tried the workaround tonight.  I:

  • Turned off the RPi port,
  • turned off the machine,
  • unplugged the machine,
  • plugged in the board to a 5V USB power supply,
  • pressed the reset button located at the top of the Einsy board.  
  • Unplugged the USB,
  • Rebooted the machine,
  • turned on the RPi port

And still the same condition.  I tried to fire up Pronterface from the most recent download to run the script, but I got the message that it needed to be updated and contact the developer. I'm running MacOS 12.3.1.  

So I think I have hit the wall.  Unless you have any additional options.

Publié : 05/05/2022 12:42 am
Membre Moderator
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

Okay I should have specified this a bit more, sorry.
Turn the machine on
Rpi port state is not important, we actually ran this with the rpi connected to the serial to see the SN update succeeded message
Plug the usb port into a powerbank or a usb charger
Reset the printer using the reset button near the display
Wait for it to boot
If the wizard still asks for the SN try power cycling, so PrusaLink loads again

The serial number is stuck on the 32u2 chip that mediates the serial communications between the Einsy and the printer which is not powered when not connected to anything. The printer firmware tries to talk to it at boot and get the serial number. Unfortunately it has to be connected to it with the correct baudrate for the comms to work. This is hardcoded at 115200. Mac OS has the unfortunate quirk of setting the baudrate to 9600 when the serial communication is not open. This breaks the communication between the fw and the 32u2 chip, so the SN does not write through. All you're going to be doing with the powerbank is letting the fw talk to the 32u2 at the default baudrate. The reset is there because the code runs only after boot.

If the board is decoupled from the USB power so if you connected just the USB and didn't have the PSU on, just the 32u2 was getting power.

Sorry I wasn't clearer, hope this works.

Publié : 05/05/2022 9:59 am
Matthew a aimé
Win J.
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

Thank you.  I am traveling for the next couple of days so I won’t be able to try this again until next week.  I’ll advise of my results.  

Just to clarify, should the display on the printer be illuminated when being powered just from the USB power supply?  

Publié : 05/05/2022 10:21 am
Membre Moderator
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

The printer cannot be powered from just the USB, the only thing that gets powered when connected like this is the 32u2 chip. I think there is an optocoupler between the USB part and the rest of the printer

Publié : 05/05/2022 1:04 pm
Win J.
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

Hi there!  Ok, I powered the mainboard via USB and performed the reset.  That cleared the problem I was having. But... (you knew there was going to be a but)...

I am now getting the following after establishing the printer name:

410 Gone

Target resource /wizard/finish-register is no longer available on this server.


Publié : 15/05/2022 5:36 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

Hi, Sadly, if you've gone through the wizard and the printer doesn't show up in Connect, the only way to fix this in 0.6.x is to delete the prusa_printer_settings file located on the raspi sd in /home/pi/ or to flash the image again. Don't worry, the Serial Number won't be a problem again, unless you'd factory reset your printer.

Publié : 17/05/2022 11:58 am
Active Member
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

Alright, so I have three Prusa MK3s printers.

I got this running on the first one, Prusa001 using the methods described by @tojik in post #3 in this thread, and it worked.

I managed to source two more RapPi Zeros and set out to do the same on Prusa002 and Prusa003.

The setup did not go as smoothly on Prusa002; I tried the same methods above, which had worked the first time.
I would go into the setup wizard, and it would display the serial number however it would still generate the 500 server error.
So after this, I flashed the firmware onto the machine (3.11), and that got it working afterward.

Finally, moving on to Prusa003 I did the same as above, and nothing worked. It would show me the serial number in the activation wizard but always generate the 500 server error. Even after re-flashing the firmware several times.

I'm stuck and not sure what else to try.  Any ideas?

Publié : 22/10/2022 12:46 pm
Active Member
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N


I kept digging on the forms and found a link to a newer version of PrusaLink 0.7.0 and decided to try that on Prusa003.  
Once it booted the authorization worked just fine and it now shows up in the Prusa Connect website.
I originally used the version which is linked with installation instructions here FYI : https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/prusalink-and-prusa-connect-setup-for-mk3-s-_221744#222045

I hope this might help someone else who gets stuck.

Posted by: @dnelms

Alright, so I have three Prusa MK3s printers.

I got this running on the first one, Prusa001 using the methods described by @tojik in post #3 in this thread, and it worked.

I managed to source two more RapPi Zeros and set out to do the same on Prusa002 and Prusa003.

The setup did not go as smoothly on Prusa002; I tried the same methods above, which had worked the first time.
I would go into the setup wizard, and it would display the serial number however it would still generate the 500 server error.
So after this, I flashed the firmware onto the machine (3.11), and that got it working afterward.

Finally, moving on to Prusa003 I did the same as above, and nothing worked. It would show me the serial number in the activation wizard but always generate the 500 server error. Even after re-flashing the firmware several times.

I'm stuck and not sure what else to try.  Any ideas?


Publié : 22/10/2022 4:01 pm
Membre Moderator

So sorry, I'm not at the computer today. Awesome you got it working, sorry it wasn't simpler

Publié : 22/10/2022 6:18 pm
DNELMS a aimé
Active Member
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

I have tried following these workaround steps and I am able to successfully get the SN into the EEPROM.  Or at least I get my SN in response to sending the "PRUSA SN" command sent over the serial connection.  But after enabling the Rpi port I still get a 500 error when submitting my SN in the wizard.  Any ideas?

Publié : 13/03/2023 8:13 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

You should not need to submit the SN after putting it in the EEPROM, it should get it automatically. You can try installing the RC3 from here: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Link/releases/tag/0.7.0rc3

The issue has been long solved over there.

The new workaround for anyone struggling: Plug your printer to power through the square USB port - like a charger or a power bank. Reset or turn on your printer. That should be it. You can unplug your usb power source. If that doesn't work even with the 0.7.0 RC3 and up, you'll likely need to contact support.

Publié : 13/03/2023 8:54 pm
Active Member

Yes, I just grabbed 0.6.1 because that is the latest release I could find a link to the .img file for.  The latest release linked in the "Releases" section is 0.7.0 RC1 which does not have a .img file.

Anyway, build 0.6.1 did the trick. 

A few questions:

Is there some reason you can't update the link in the original "How-To" article to point to a version that works?

Why is the RC3 build that you just provided the link for NOT referenced in the "Releases" thread?



Ce message a été modifié il y a 2 years 2 fois par joe.m4
Publié : 13/03/2023 9:11 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: 500 Internal Server error after entering S/N

The RC1 was not great, i think the latter ones were fine but it was decided to not put the "RC" versions on here. So they're missing. Sorry

Nobody told me to not post links so I'm doing at least that


Publié : 13/03/2023 9:16 pm
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