401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome
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401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome  

JP Guitars
Reputable Member
401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome

This morning I have started getting a 401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome in Windows, works fine in Firefox and Chrome on Android. Cleared the cache and restarted same issue.

Anyone else getting this?

Publié : 28/07/2024 11:54 am
New Member
RE: 401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome

I have the same problem, on chrome it doesn't work, but if i try edge i can connect, and also in the prusaslicer i can connect.

I contacted support but they never heard of this problem, it all started at the end of july\ start of august.

Publié : 01/09/2024 8:08 am
New Member
RE: 401 unauthorized error for Connect in Chrome

Just an update, i was able to fix the problem by restoring the default option in chrome (setting> restore options), i tried to repair the chrome install first, that did nothing. 

Publié : 16/09/2024 8:26 am
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