RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
Yea. now when and if I get to getting power panic working, the fact that a pi can survive a blackout while the printer reboots complicates things for me. The more variations, the harder to support specific things.
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
Ran into all the issues you did, i.e. said the firmware was out of date. Now I'm stuck here saying it can't connect to Prusa Connect. I have tried using the local IP and no luck. Any ideas I can try next?
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
Ha, it finally worked. I went back to the instructions and it said to leave it at and it took after a couple clicks. Strange. Guess that's why it's in beta.
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
If you are feeling particularly neurotic, edit /etc/rc.local
printf 'M117 Starting Prusa Link\n' > /dev/ttyACM0
I was trying to do this all on build 5.11 (the guide still links to that build) Oddly this was already in rc.local in that build. 🤔
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
Where did I get that word? Neurotic... anyways, you keep mentioning 5.11 - that version doesn't exist. 0.5.2 was followed by the 0.6.0. That's a year old beta thing, so I won't retrospectively try to figure out what prevented that from working. Sorry
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
The unversioned img you download from the guide calls itself Prusalink 5.11 in the login headers when you ssh in
RE: 0.5.2 Documentation missing for USB and non Zero Pi
You mean like this? "Linux prusalink 5.15.32-v7+ #1538 SMP Thu Mar 31 19:38:48 BST 2022 armv7l"
That's the Linux kernel version