Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.
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[Sticky] Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.  

Same Old Shane
Member Admin
Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Greetings all;

We have seen that people are not happy with the current build instructions of the Prusa Enclosure who also bought the add ons and would like to assemble them all at once. We heard those comments and are working on re-organizing the instructions to better address these construction concerns. 


In the meantime I would like to present to you a small cheat sheet for those who have some or all of the following addons and want to install them while building the enclosure. Please note that this is my own personal view on the assembly and what worked best for me, individual results may vary, or the way other people would suggest it. The main instructions should be followed and then if there are any add ons, I marked down where you should read both sets of instructions, the basic / regular instructions and then the add ons and you should be able to see what needs to be done to complete the build with the add on. 


Before anything, double check that you printed out all necessary printed parts for your add ons. You can double check them here.


  • Basic Board cover and extra PSU holder
  • LED light strip
  • Mechanical lock
  • Advanced filtration unit
  • Hinged lid 
  • Transportation handles


You can start printing while building the core cube shape, and then prep the printer for enclosure installation after the parts are done. 


Now follow the main instructions here
Build the main frame with the bottom of the enclosure, Steps 1-21 and then stop. 

Skip ahead to step 25 - 27, and install the PSU locks.
Continue to steps 28 - 30 and install the hinges. 

(top assembly)


If you chose hinged opening, please go to the installation instructions here.
Please note, if you also have the filtration unit, make sure you print out the hinge with the larger opening for the filtration mounting bolt.

If you decide on using the regular top, please continue with the original instructions and continue through steps 22 -24.

If you have the fire suppression system, install that now.



(back assembly)


If you have the following add-ons and you are ready to install the printer inside the enclosure you can do the following steps;

From the original instructions 

Follow steps 31 -34 to install the back acrylic panel. 

The order for this does not matter, but at this point, install the filtration system and the quick release PSU cable connection (and install the PSU)



(left side panel)


Looking at the front of the enclosure, start with the left panel. 

Follow steps 37- 38 in the original instructions. 

Install one of the handles if desired,
Then install the LED strip, (if you install the strip before the arylic, you will have a difficult time).

Take care of any internal cable management between the LED strip and filtration system. 



(right side pannel)


Assemble the right pannel, 35-36
Inset handle if needed. 


(Printer installation and internal components) 

Install the printer inside the enclosure,



Do not install the doors till the printer and other parts are installed.


(Right side door)


Now for the right side of the door, If you are installing the locking mechanism follow the steps here.

(Left side door) 

Continue with the printer assembly and install the left door. 


This is how I did the assembly with all the add ons and found it the best option for myself as I didn't have to disassemble and reassemble and gave me enough room to work on the assembly. 


So do you have a different way of assembling the enclosure with the addons? Was this helpful? Leave a comment as it will help in creating an official guide.

Shane (AKA FromPrusa)

Posted : 14/02/2023 2:49 pm
New Member

First off, thanks a bunch for putting this together, it helped me out a ton.  I did the hinged lid, LED light, and filtration add-ons and everything worked out well.  I did have a couple comments though:

  1. I didn’t see you mention anywhere about when to prep the printer (step 2A in Prusa’s guide).  It’s kinda obvious to go find that when it’s time to install the printer, so probably not needed anyway. 
  2. I printed out all the parts for the PSU and basic buddy board case, LED light switch brackets, and filtration bracket as I started building the main enclosure as suggested, but, all of those parts came in the box!! I’m assuming this is relatively new because even Prusa’s own instructions tell you to print them out, but, now I have double of everything (except transport handles and hinged lid parts, those I did need). 
Posted : 19/04/2023 8:39 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member

If you have the filtration system and the LED strip, just leave the doors and side panels for last. The back panel is not in the way if the sides remain open and can be installed like in the guide. Then you have enough access for cable management and the rest of the steps. The side panels can be installed with the printer in the enclosure or the printer can be easily taken out for this step (for the MK3* with quick release connector). For me it was not necessary to remove the printer from the enclosure when I installed the side panels.

Posted : 19/04/2023 11:17 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Hi all, I have a question regarding the enclosure and the MK4; I’ve bought the kit form of the printer amd was wondering if anyone knows if I need to print any parts for the enclosure prior to fitting the printer - I only ask as I’m not sure if I need to fully build up the printer or get it almost there and then follow the install info for the MK3s+ ? I’ve just (literally) binned an Elegoo Neptune 3 base (it was fully broken) and decided to purchase what I should have all along 😁

Posted : 27/06/2023 9:18 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member

For a standard build of the enclosure you do not need to print any parts. Just if you want the hinged lid, the transport handles or the door hinges in another color than black, you need to print your own parts. Also for the MK4 the mounting brackets for the display were not included. Don't know if they include them now they sell them as kit with the MK4. But you can do that after first assembling the enclosure with the parts in the kit if you have no other printer. Or you assemble the printer first and then print the parts for the enclosure you need or want.

Posted : 27/06/2023 11:00 pm
ChiefSmeg liked
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Cheers Walter - much appreciated 

Posted : 28/06/2023 4:54 am
Estimable Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Is there an update for the link for the add-ons printed parts that was referenced in the original message on this thread?

That link currently returns this message "We're sorry, but this page belongs to our top secret printer coming in the distant future."

Posted : 29/09/2023 7:06 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

The link for the printed parts is here:
Also have a look at the remixes.
Or at the results of this search:

Posted : 29/09/2023 7:11 pm
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Great guide, thanks!

Unfortunately I forgot to print the hinges, so started that while I started assembly. While waiting, I was able to install the LED, filtration, hinged lid, and PSU QD/back panel. After that, then went back to the printer prep and install.

I would recommend routing the add-on PSU cable at step 8 of assembly. Save some time not having to remove feet/supports when you do the add-ons.

Posted : 26/11/2023 5:35 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Nice info, I will be receiving my MK4 Kit and Enclosure within the next week. So have been reading up on the install manuals etc.

I  have an MK3 so I've already printed out the required parts.

Is their any advice/tips on how to build the MK4 and the enclosure at the same time and how to prep these at the same time without the need to fully build the MK4 and then prep it again for the enclosure.

I will be installing:
1. Hinged Lid

2. Filtration System
3. LED Lights



Posted : 30/12/2023 7:35 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.
  • Don't install the PSU on the printer, use the replacement bracket that comes with the enclosure.
  • If you haven't already, get the PSU quick coupler, which uses a different set of wires running from the electronics case to the PSU. Like that you won't have to change the wires later.
  • Don't attach the display to the printer, so you won't have to take it off later. 🙂
  • Install the side panels of the enclosure as last step. This makes access for cable routing of the add-ons easier. If you have the hinged lid mod, installing the side panels last is easy.
Posted : 30/12/2023 8:12 am
Jörn liked
Trusted Member
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.


Posted by: @walter-layher
  • Don't install the PSU on the printer, use the replacement bracket that comes with the enclosure.
  • If you haven't already, get the PSU quick coupler, which uses a different set of wires running from the electronics case to the PSU. Like that you won't have to change the wires later.
  • Don't attach the display to the printer, so you won't have to take it off later. 🙂
  • Install the side panels of the enclosure as last step. This makes access for cable routing of the add-ons easier. If you have the hinged lid mod, installing the side panels last is easy.

Thanks for the tips... I also did order the  MK4 quick release coupler with the kit 😁

Posted : 30/12/2023 1:02 pm
David Smith
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Thanks for this guide! Putting the enclosure together with the addons is a bit of a minefield. Even with this cheat sheet I found myself backtracking a couple of times.

If you have a hinged lid + advanced filtration system, you can skip 3 rivets when fitting the back panel so you don't have to remove them later.

I've attached an image showing which 3 rivets can be skipped.

If you've already fitted the hinged lid by this point, then it's only one rivet to skip as your screws for the hinge will just need undoing so you can fix the back panel in between the screw and the nut in the hinge.

Posted : 02/01/2024 3:42 pm
surgebox liked
RE: Unofficial cheat sheet for building the Prusa Enclosure with add-ons.

Just completed my build. Thank you for this great breakdown to the build with consideration to the addons and supplementary to the official instructions. Everything worked out in the order you have and how I built my enclosure. Not having the power brick holder for the Filter/LED in my purchased kit was the only thing that caught me off guard. Besides that there was enough screws and nuts to put together the whole build plus my addons. Kept with the Orange and Black theme and its a beaut! Thank you again.

Original Enclosure with a MK3S+ (future MMU2S)

Prusa Addons: Advanced Filtration System, LED Lighting and Quick Connect PSU

Printables Addons:

Original Prusa Enclosure - Slider Lock Latch

Enclosure spool holder - base

Hinged lid for adding MMU2S to Original Prusa Enclosure

Sheet holder for original Prusa Enclosure with Tool Holder

Adjustable Thermometer bracket for Original Prusa Enclosure

Transport handle for Original Prusa Enclosure

Cablemanagement Original Prusa Enclosure

Quick Release PSU Connector Cover

Posted : 25/02/2024 8:45 pm