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Lack 2 hole Support Removal  

New Member
Lack 2 hole Support Removal

I am wondering if anyone can offer some advice regarding the removal of the supports in the holes for the Lack 2 enclosure parts.  I used prusa slicer to print the parts but am having a hard time removing the hole supports in some of the parts, the small holes for the screws and the magnets in particular.  Any advice that can be offered would be greatly appreciated. 

Veröffentlicht : 19/07/2022 2:52 pm
Thomas Lynch
Estimable Member
RE: Lack 2 hole Support Removal

I have a couple of ways to do it. I have done this on holes in a car I printed. There usually is one support material in the holes. One way is to get a tweezer in there and pull it out. The better way that has worked for m is to get a drill just a little bit smaller then the hole and twist it around in there, by hand, until you loosen al the material, then pull it out.

Hope that helps.

Veröffentlicht : 20/07/2022 3:46 pm