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z axis fails on test  

New Member
z axis fails on test

I just finished assembling and ran the check program. The z axis consistently fails. It will go up but not down. What do I do?

Publié : 21/10/2020 4:07 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: z axis fails on test

Publié : 21/10/2020 6:13 pm
Prominent Member
RE: z axis fails on test
Posted by: @boomurr57

I just finished assembling and ran the check program. The z axis consistently fails. It will go up but not down. What do I do?

Can you try manually turning the leadscrew and move gantry all the way up and down? Check for any increased resistance when moving down. This at least verifies whether it's OK mechanically.

Then I'd check connection from Z motor to Buddy board. Unplug it and check pins on board, if they are all present and OK, and also check connector at the end of cable. Just in case you can unbundle the cable from cable wrap and check for any broken or damaged wire. If all that is OK, you can try to connect X motor to Z socket and run the test and see how it behaves, you will see movement of different axis but it will verify whether board or stepper driver is OK. If it allows you to main menu despite failed initial setup, go to Settings -> Move Axis and move corresponding axis). Alternatively, plug Z motor to X or Y socket and do the same, you will verify whether stepper motor itself is broken or not.

In any case, contact support via chat on webpage (use chat rather than e-mailing them, chat is way faster). They will probably guide you through the same procedure to diagnose the problem and RMA broken part.

Good luck and let us know the result!

Publié : 21/10/2020 7:27 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: z axis fails on test


Thanks for the reply. I've contacted support and am getting help, but I think your will be a helpful resource, too. I purchased the Mini because I wanted a printer that would let me learn more about the inner workings. I didn't expect to learn so soon! 

Publié : 22/10/2020 7:44 pm
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