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X axis self test fails  

New Member
X axis self test fails

Hello Everyone. I'm new here and to 3D printing in general. I bought the pre-assembled Mini kit and put it together today, but after first time switching it on self test on X axis failed. Everything else seems to be fine. There's no stuck on any axes, the belt tension is nice, yet the X-test fails.  I found no further explanation to this.

I contacted helpdesk but we were not able to solve the issue. I tried adjusting the belt tension but that just made things worse. my X test was only going out to the left side not going back, and when Z test started afterwards it kept pulling downward the head into the bed ( I guess the sensor was not over the bed when the X axis was fully left)

I managed to adjust the belt tension back to the default value but my issue is the same, X test fails, so if anybody can have any idea from only the above, let me know.  Thanks. 


This topic was modified 4 years temu 3 times by Solear
Opublikowany : 10/04/2021 8:31 pm
New Member
RE: X axis self test fails

This is an odd issue. I am assuming you went through these steps:

I'm not sure what would cause such a failure since I don't think the stepper motors have any feedback control, although it would seem unlikely that there's a defect in any of the other electronics. My newly assembled MINI has been working for a few weeks now, but I had a similarly troubling failure of the X-axis yesterday. In my case, the X-axis seems to have full range of motion and is not making any weird noises to indicate a problem with the belt or lack of lubrication. I've tried adjusting belt tension and applying more lubricant, but the self-test is still failing. 

Opublikowany : 14/04/2021 10:10 pm