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Always tricky diagnosing a non standard printer ...
You appear to have a regular harmonic distortion over about 8 layers - hard to count from your photo. Do a careful count, slice exactly that much out of your model and do a dummy slice - you want to know how much filament slicer thinks is needed.
Now go back up your feed route and see if this length corresponds to any significant measurement, eg the circumpherence of a feed gear, one roation of your motor screw or something like that. Look there first for your fix.
Publié : 14/03/2022 3:31 pm
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RE: Wobble on the Z axis DIY Prusa MINI
By replacing the PEI sheet with glass, the wobble completely disappeared
Publié : 28/03/2022 5:12 am
RE: Wobble on the Z axis DIY Prusa MINI
Sorry to dig up this old post…
What part exactly did you remove? The square nut?
Publié : 07/01/2024 9:13 am