Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!
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Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!  

Active Member
Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!

I received my MINI today and spent the evening assembling. No problem, except in The Assembly manual is STEP the picture and the real wiring attached to the machine are not the same. In reality there is no four color briaded cord coming out of the Y motor marked Y. Obviously a new design and old documentation. BUT in the meantime, my  Y axis doesn't work and I can't print!

I tried to connect what looked like should be connected, but no dice.


Dead in the water until I receive new documentation.

Respondido : 02/05/2020 6:26 am
Gordon W
Reputable Member
RE: Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!

Have you checked the online build instructions, they should have the latest info, also comments from other users to clarify any difficult sections. https://help.prusa3d.com/en/guide/building-your-mini_6384

Respondido : 02/05/2020 10:09 am
Reputable Member
RE: Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!

For reference, Steps 22 and 23. I find it hard to believe there is literally no cable attached to the motor, but I guess anything can go wrong. The cable is usually tucked inside the alu extrusion.

Regardless, new documentation won't help, if there is really no cable on the motor you need to contact Prusa support.

Respondido : 02/05/2020 11:06 am
Estimable Member
RE: Wiring for attaching Y AXIS motor does not match Assembly manual - Y axis doesn't work!

Its highly unlikely for the motor not to have any wires coming out. Also due to the shape of the connector you cant put it backwards or wrong it only clips a certain way. Can you take a picture of the Y axis motor?

Original Prusa Mini + Smooth PEI
Prusa Slicer 2.6.0

Respondido : 03/05/2020 5:19 pm