Weird Y axis shift at the farthest extent of the X axis travel
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[Risolto] Weird Y axis shift at the farthest extent of the X axis travel  

New Member
Weird Y axis shift at the farthest extent of the X axis travel

Have had my mini for ~2 years now and while doing some large prints I have noticed that when the X axis is 4/5ths of its max travel toward the end of its arm, there is about a 1mm shift in the Z axis, and then when its coming back there is the same shift back to normal. It only is happening when the X axis is near the max limit of its travel and the layer shift is toward the front of the bed as well, so it doesn't seam like its running into a pull from the bowden or wire harness. Ignore the change in finish about halfway through (filament ran out and sat way to long before swapping in a very cold room). I looked to make sure there was nothing on the rails for the printer that might cause it to shift and then shift back, and its not just that file/model that it does the shift on.  Any input would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Postato : 26/12/2022 7:10 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird Y axis shift at the farthest extent of the X axis travel

Only took reaching out and circling back to find a fix, the hot end was loose on its mount just enough that at max X travel it would cause tension suddenly in the last inch/cm's of travel. Posting for anyone who might have this issue in the future

Postato : 27/12/2022 4:26 pm