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Strange things happening with prints and Z-axis  

New Member
Strange things happening with prints and Z-axis

Hi everyone, I own Mini for several months and lately I started facing some strange problem - when I print box that is 40mm height - layers go crazy (photos), when I tried model for wobble test it prints nice and clean. I didn't change any settings for a week at least before it started printing like this. Also it's very stringy but just big box - wobble test is nice. What is it?

Postato : 08/06/2021 11:25 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange things happening with prints and Z-axis

Sometimes it also goes down to the layer and just do not extrude plastic (need to restart) as you can see on image IMG_20210609_015433.

Postato : 09/06/2021 10:47 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Strange things happening with prints and Z-axis

Anyone knows possible reason?

Postato : 23/06/2021 3:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Strange things happening with prints and Z-axis

I think you should provide some more background than saying "it printed fine.. changed nothing.. now it prints bad". For example: how old is printer? What did you check so far (is heatbreak & nozzle clean?, is extruder clean?, etc.), You maybe printed with some other filament type before? Did you try Factory reset? Are you using default values in Prusa slicer?...

Looking at your photos, you obviously have big extrusion issue (which you already realized, I guess). But is impossible to give any  a hint toward the solution -because too many factors can be involved.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 24/06/2021 4:30 pm