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PSA Tip for Attaching LCD Screen  

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PSA Tip for Attaching LCD Screen

Good afternoon.

I have recently assembled my Prusa mini and am currently testing it out. Everything looks good except that the x-axis test fails for no obvious reason. During the assembly process I found one issue that the manual couldn't help me troubleshoot and so I thought I would post the solution here in case anyone shares my experience.

There is a single m20 screw that affixes the LCD screen to the plastic frame. This screw is meant to be inserted with force. The manual notes that if excessive resistance is faced it may be prudent to rotate the Allen key for additional leverage. On my Prusa Mini + that leverage was enough to strip the screw head. That is not meant to happen. An m12 screw is not long enough to grab the frame. If you experience this issue I recommend opening your spare parts container and grabbing two hex nuts. Affix these to your screw, being certain to rotate them until they bottom out at the screw head. Congratulations you can now screw your not-really-an-m20-screw-anymore into the frame without stripping the head. It may be worthwhile to add this to the digital manual as encouraging people to use more force without any alternatives may lead to broken frames.

Publié : 16/07/2021 4:04 am
Scott Frazer
Active Member

They really need to fix this. As you noted the m20 is too long and the spare m12 is too short. An m16 is just right, but they don't include one.


Publié : 16/07/2021 10:46 pm
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