Prusa Mini + First Print(s) Issues with Initial Layer + Layer Lines - Help?!
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Prusa Mini + First Print(s) Issues with Initial Layer + Layer Lines - Help?!  

New Member
Prusa Mini + First Print(s) Issues with Initial Layer + Layer Lines - Help?!

Hi All,

I've been the proud owner of a Prusa Mini for about a week now. I printed some of the test print files on the USB drive that came with the printer, which came out mostly fine. However, I'm a ways away from achieving a perfect print on files being imported via PrusaSlicer.

Two issues with this particular Ashtray file from Thingiverse.

1. The layer lines on the base of the ashtray (where the ash would typically be)

2. The bottom portion of the ashtray is a mess, as you can see. However, the remainder of the ashtray printed fine once that part was done.


Any tips to avoid both of these issues on future prints would be appreciated. I am using Dish Soap + 91% IPA or Acetone on the PEI Smooth sheet, and I'm getting good adhesion, so I don't think it's an adhesion issue. I also run Mesh Bed Leveling and First Layer Calibration and wash the sheet VERY well prior to all prints.


My settings on the Prusa Mini are below. I can share my PrusaSlicer settings from the file as well if needed.

Z Height -1.575 - This appears to be the optimal z height for the First Layer calibration.

Speed- 75% for the first few layers, then switched back to 100% for the remainder of the print

Nozzle - 210 degrees

Heatbed - 60 degrees

Print Fan - I manually adjust it to 25 degrees at the beginning of the print, and let it go to 255 automatically as the print progresses.

Flow Factor - 100

Veröffentlicht : 03/11/2021 8:40 pm
Trusted Member
I'm still learning, but..

... the stringiness on the bottom of your print suggests the nozzle is still too high.

Veröffentlicht : 05/11/2021 2:39 pm
Damiano_PL gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Mini + First Print(s) Issues with Initial Layer + Layer Lines - Help?!

Is the bottom supposed to be flat, or does it have a rim to raise it? Looks like a rim, but it is not clear.

Veröffentlicht : 21/11/2021 9:26 pm