Prusa Mini - Cannot disconnect the Y axis motor cable from electronics box in order to fix Probing failure issue.
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Prusa Mini - Cannot disconnect the Y axis motor cable from electronics box in order to fix Probing failure issue.  

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Prusa Mini - Cannot disconnect the Y axis motor cable from electronics box in order to fix Probing failure issue.

I just got my Mini factory assembled kit in yesterday. It is assembled and passes all Self Tests but when I try to run a test print it fails on Probe point 14 everytime.

I have factory reset, power cycled, ran mesh bed leveling, but the issue remains. I see that the Y axis motor cable is fed incorrectly through the bottom of the electronics box so I want to feed it back in correctly to see if that fixes the issue but it will NOT disconnect. It’s stuck. I’m pushing in on the tiny black lever while I pull the cable up and it will not budge and I’m concerned if I keep trying this way I’ll break the lever or even worse, the cable?

Is there anything I can do to disconnect this properly? Prusa chat support hasn’t been helpful at all.

Here’s a pic of the cables fed into the electronics box. The Y axis motor cable is in the very back slightly to the left / center.

Here's a photo of the wire assembly in the Electronics Box. I have a hard time believing that re-threading this Y motor cable through the hole in the bottom of the electronics box is going to fix this issue, but I'm willing to try.



Respondido : 25/10/2021 4:58 pm

I use tweezers to push the little button in to release the wire when they are stuck.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 26/10/2021 10:35 am