Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print
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Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print  

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Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

I've tried to troubleshoot and I still can't seem to figure out how to fix this.  I make small discs (18mm and 23mm diameter) using PLA and the PrusaSlicer settings (no altering).  So it's a tiny project.  I'm having an issue with them coming detached from the printing bed in the last minute or two of the print. Literally there are only a few layers left to go and it comes off.

The thing is that I make changes and then it prints find for about 15-20 discs and then it starts acting up again.  I'm at the point where it's not acting up almost every single print.  Some of the discs there's only about 50% disc and the other 50% is void (see picture).

There was literally a minute left on this print when it detached.

I've tried:

1. Adjusting the bed height. I've done this at multiple levels where it was not quite close enough and also too close to the bed.  And it seems to not really make a difference in failure as far as I can see (though the one not quite close enough definitely failed more often and more often half way through a print it wouldn't make it to the end).  When I go "too" close it looks like there's excess filament squishing/building up a bit.

2. Cleaning the bed.  I use 99% rubbing alcohol and a clean rag.  I've tried it between every print, every other, every third...that doesn't seem to make a difference.

3. Tried a brand new spring steel sheet (using this one from Prusa: Spring Steel Sheet With Smooth Double-sided PEI).

I don't know what to do! I need to get clean prints. I'm printing about 10-15 disc a day, but I'm not able to get that done anymore because I keep having the prints fail.  Any advice is appreciated. I'm desperate to fix this.

Thanks! Jennifer

PS: I should add when I initially lowered the printer head/adjusted the bed height they were sticking firmly...i could tell when I tried to remove them they weren't just popping off, but the more I printed the easier the popped off.  And I move my prints around on the print bed so they're not all printing in the same spot.

This topic was modified před 3 years by JenniferSoap
Napsal : 16/11/2021 7:54 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

I wash the buildplate with hot water and dish soap, 
Rinse well with Hot water, and dry with Plain paper towels

and print pla with bed at 70C
If your build plate is really clean, and your first layer is good, adhesion should be good

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:29 pm
JenniferSoap se líbí
Honorable Member
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

Have you tried cleaning your sheet with dishwashing detergent? Is your 'rubbing alcohol' pure IPA? Some rubbing alcohol products have oil added.


Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:33 pm
JenniferSoap se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

Thanks! My First Layer (and other layers) bed plate is set at 60C (which is the standard PrusaSlicer gives). I haven't tried altering that but I will see if that helps.  Do you do just your first layer at 70 or the other layers as well? Jennifer

Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

IPA doesn't really remove oils from your skin though.  It just dilutes them and spreads them around in a thin layer.  Once enough builds up things stop sticking.  That's why many of us recommend and use a non scented dish washing detergent (such as Fairy or dawn) and lots of HOT water to rinse at your sink.  A detergent properly removes grease.  Use clean paper towel to scrub it with (not your dish sponge).   Then once washed avoid touching the sheet surface, handle only by the edges.  You can get away with multiple prints that way as long as you don't touch.

The other thing to be aware of is that PLA can leave behind a residue that builds up over time and can be difficult to clean off.  That usually takes months though with every PLA I've used.  Once that happens you can either give it a more thorough scrubbing (preferred)  or only with the smooth sheet sparingly use acetone to referb the sheet.  Acetone 'melts' the surface though so it must be used in limited quantities and prolonged use can cause cracking of the pei.  Do NOT use acetone on the textured or silk sheets.  I've only ever needed it once and I'm still on my first 4 year old sheet.

Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:36 pm
JenniferSoap se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

I haven't tried washing with dish detergent. Will try that.  It was happening on a brand new plate though so not sure if washing will help, but I'll give it a try!  As far as I know it's pure, but I will double check. Maybe try some new IPA.

Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Have you tried cleaning your sheet with dishwashing detergent? Is your 'rubbing alcohol' pure IPA? Some rubbing alcohol products have oil added.


Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Project Not Adhering/Coming off in the last MINUTE of the print

I'll try washing and see what happens.  I've only been using the printer for about a month (and until recently not every day) so I didn't think it would have issues already! But I'll try cleaning it and see how it goes! Thanks.

Posted by: @neophyl

IPA doesn't really remove oils from your skin though.  It just dilutes them and spreads them around in a thin layer.  Once enough builds up things stop sticking.  That's why many of us recommend and use a non scented dish washing detergent (such as Fairy or dawn) and lots of HOT water to rinse at your sink.  A detergent properly removes grease.  Use clean paper towel to scrub it with (not your dish sponge).   Then once washed avoid touching the sheet surface, handle only by the edges.  You can get away with multiple prints that way as long as you don't touch.

The other thing to be aware of is that PLA can leave behind a residue that builds up over time and can be difficult to clean off.  That usually takes months though with every PLA I've used.  Once that happens you can either give it a more thorough scrubbing (preferred)  or only with the smooth sheet sparingly use acetone to referb the sheet.  Acetone 'melts' the surface though so it must be used in limited quantities and prolonged use can cause cracking of the pei.  Do NOT use acetone on the textured or silk sheets.  I've only ever needed it once and I'm still on my first 4 year old sheet.


Napsal : 16/11/2021 8:41 pm