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Problem with grooves in 3D print  

Eminent Member
Problem with grooves in 3D print


I bought my first 3D printer 2 weeks ago (Prusa MK3S+) and assembled it by myself. I was cleaning all the bearings first with isopropanol and added some lubricant. X,Y,Z calibration is good, all axis are aligned. I checked the tension of the belts with the tension meter and they are well excited. Then I started to calibrate the e-steps and EM with good results. X and Y steps are very good, I only adjusted Z steps a very small amount. Bed leveling and Z-Offset went also very well. 


My first print was the X,Y,Z cube and heat tower, followed by the benchy. Im using redline pla filament and Im printing with 0.2mm layer height and 45mm/s. I also use prusa slicer but my prints are not very satisfactory. The benchy got a lot of grooves and now im trying to find a way to eliminate them. Do you have any ideas where I can start first?


Best regards,


Postato : 19/05/2021 5:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problem with grooves in 3D print

I would rate that benchy as good enough for the first month.

During the first few weeks of use the printer will run-in and settle its parts together; then you will have to go over the basic maintenance checks, lubricate and recalibrate.  Even if you got everything dialled in perfectly today, it would all need re-doing.

Better to settle, temporarily, for a basic working printer and get some useful printing done, make your early mistakes, establish a routine and generally get used to the process.  Then when you do your one month service you can take extra care knowing the new settings on your now stable printer are likely to last for several months...


Postato : 19/05/2021 8:00 pm
RE: Problem with grooves in 3D print

That is a pretty good print.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 20/05/2021 1:12 am
Estimable Member
RE: Problem with grooves in 3D print


Did you solve your issue? 

Postato : 25/05/2021 3:49 pm