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Previous perfect Z Height now producing inconsistent first layer.
It is currently at -1.027 I've also included the nozzle now being quite stringy after finishing which never happened before.
At this adjustment I was getting a perfect first layer with this calibration with layer perfectly adhered to each other and requiring a good force pull apart as expected.
Now it's very inconsistent and very loose towards the top left despite no changes in settings.
Also when printing the the time remaining now just says "peed"
Firmware 4.2.1
Postato : 11/09/2020 5:22 pm
RE: Previous perfect Z Height now producing inconsistent first layer.
Could it be that your probe is loose or has moved?
Postato : 11/09/2020 10:15 pm
RE: Previous perfect Z Height now producing inconsistent first layer.
Or that your probe (like everybody's else does) is sensible to temperature, and depending on the room temperature or the probe temperature itself, produces different results.
Postato : 14/09/2020 4:52 pm
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