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Nozzle not low Enough to Reach Print Bed  

jack newport
New Member
Nozzle not low Enough to Reach Print Bed

I got a new Prusa mini original a few weeks ago, and I immediately ran into a problem while calibrating the printer; the nozzle couldn't reach the print bed, even at the furthest down it could go. I can still print stuff, but I have to apply copious amounts of glue, and the first few layers are always pretty bad. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2022 12:30 am
Reputable Member
RE: Nozzle not low Enough to Reach Print Bed

Go back and check your assembly.  What you're saying is practically impossible.  The Y-Axis motor screw would allow the entire X-Axis gantry to lay upon the bed and the nozzle is at least 10mm below the gantry.

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Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2022 12:52 am
Chris Laudermilk
Estimable Member
RE: Nozzle not low Enough to Reach Print Bed

Is your live Z maxed out at -2? If that's it, then you need to move your PINDA up and calibrate again. 

Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)

Veröffentlicht : 04/02/2022 2:24 pm
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