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Mini+ USB stick locked?
Anyone knows how to unlock the USB stick which is included with the Mini+ ?
Seems not possible to use it for own designs as it is read-only.
Did a reformat FAT32 on Windows10 PC which worked (no error messages), but the stick remains write protected.
Any advice is welcome.
Posted : 12/02/2021 3:03 pm
RE: Mini+ USB stick locked?
some colleagues are unable to write/save anything on any external storage device due to company policy, be sure You're not restricted by IT admin
Posted : 12/02/2021 6:50 pm
RE: Mini+ USB stick locked?
or maybe this would be helpful
Posted : 12/02/2021 6:59 pm
Topic starter
RE: Mini+ USB stick locked?
Thanks for the input. Tried on a Mac and it worked.
Posted : 14/02/2021 9:26 am
RE: Mini+ USB stick locked?
That is good news. Who would have thought it was write protected.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Posted : 14/02/2021 1:16 pm