logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
Started my first print (the Prusa logo) after making sure all calibrations were coming back looking good. Not sure what happened. Any guesses or directions to fix?
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
What did the first layer look like?
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
Hi Joan, the only shot I got was of those first few lines. I'll try again and watch it the whole time this time.
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
A clear picture of the first layer, or at least of the underside of a (failed) print would tell us a lot.
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
I flipped the sheet over and the logo print worked. I was so pumped! Not sure why that made a difference. I went to print something else off the stock card, and that ended up as a bird's nest. I took pics of both sides of the failed print this time, thanks for letting me know about that!
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
Looking at the bottom of your model, it looks like your first layer squish is faulty.
your model has distinct lines between the lines of filament, where they should form a homogenous patch.
as you can see on this print, the individual strands of filament become almost invisible, when the first layer squish is correct.
In order to have a good chance of success on your next print, may I suggest that you
1, Ensure '7x7 Mesh Bed levelling' is activated using the LCD Menu's
2, the Build plate is Incredibly clean, I Wash my build plate with HOT water, and a New Kitchen sponge, with a small amount of dish soap
I rub the build plate surface really well, and rinse with copious HOT water, then I dry immediately with plain paper towels and use the build plate immediately. keep your fingers off the build plate surface. for the time being don't use IPA or any other surface treatment. (Humour me)
3, use 'Life Adjust 'Z' My Way' process to adjust the first layer height.
the image below shows a first layer print off a smooth build plate, (the top side will be similar to a print on a textured plate, the bottomside will obviously have a textured look, ... the values are unique to my printer but the numbers give an indication of small changes that make a big difference to the surface quality.
I hope you have more success after this process.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
Super, thank you! I had remembered seeing your advice about washing the plate well, so I did that and the next print worked. I'll go into the settings and make the other changes you've suggested once this thing finishes up. Very impressed with your generosity and sharing, thank you!
RE: logo prints ok for first few layers, than was dragged to the side
sometimes we look for complicated solutions
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
I dont know why did you post it on Prusa MINI forum but in case of MINI you are not supposed to print PLA onto textured steel sheet.
You should use satin steel sheet. I do not know what kind of bed sheets are available for MK3S.
Title section left blank on purpose
I've printed PLA on textured sheet before (on MK3S) and it works fine. Maybe because I have Lack enclosure or did properly clean my sheet before print. (shrug)
I dont know why did you post it on Prusa MINI forum but in case of MINI you are not supposed to print PLA onto textured steel sheet.
You should use satin steel sheet. I do not know what kind of bed sheets are available for MK3S.