lcd screen has an issue since the power cable has been accidentally pulled away. causing a power shortage
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lcd screen has an issue since the power cable has been accidentally pulled away. causing a power shortage  

Trusted Member
lcd screen has an issue since the power cable has been accidentally pulled away. causing a power shortage

Hi there, I looked first in the forum if I see this issue.

the printer can print however a weird issue is happening since I had this interuption of power. the lcd seems fine until I want to use the tune settings. it refuses to select the tuning icone with the turning selection wheel/gear... and this is the same when I turn on the printer again.  it is almost like one cannot access the no usb icone when you have no usb inserted. I was about tomake a factory reset but I thought maybe first ringing the community. what do you think did I kill a buddy board component??

what do you advise me to do. firmware 4.3 bootloader 1.0.0 buddyboard 1.0.5

reset the printer install newest firmware?


Thanks in advance

Best Regards


Napsal : 21/10/2022 7:33 am
Illustrious Member

did I kill a buddy board component?

It's possible, especially if the loosening power plug had time to spark...

reset the printer install newest firmware?

Yes.  This is the way to go.  Corrupted settings are just as likely to mess with the workings.

It's also possible that arcing has damaged the selector switch itself.

Luckily you clearly haven't destroyed the whole machine so if the reset doesn't work it should still be fixable, come back if you need help.


Napsal : 21/10/2022 1:56 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: lcd screen has an issue since the power cable has been accidentally pulled away. causing a power shortage

Hi thx cheerio,

I havedone a firmware reinstall and it dies work

Napsal : 21/10/2022 6:18 pm